Friday, January 6, 2017

T.G.I.F! [Problem solving edition]

Greetings good citizen, being old I find myself 'trapped' in a world I was raised in; one that no longer exists. Once upon a time the majority of working folks were thankful for Friday because it meant the weekend was here.


In fact, thanks to the ever-present Internet, many can't get away from work no matter how hard they try. Worse, the same cause is also making jobs 'dry up'...albeit, an insignificant number but even one less is felt in a world where the workforce is growing MUCH faster than the job market.

Most of you don't give this logistical fact a second thought despite having personally been 'bit' by it [often more than once.]

The Epidemic of our age, not enough jobs [that pay a living wage]...not that ANYBODY is doing anything to fix it.

Is this dilemma unsolvable? No, I'll solve it right here and now, I solved this problem decades ago but [apparently] those with degrees in finance STILL can't figure this out.

Cut the work week in half.

Stupid idea, right?

That's only half of it.

Most of us are sinking [financially] on forty hours a week. Joe/Jane employer are trying to solve the 'unemployment crisis' by ending overtime...hiring more people BUT this is a two edged sword and results in the same problem as reducing working hours [and by extension, paychecks]

If you reduced income you MUST also reduce EXPENSE.

Want to EXPAND the workforce geometrically? Make housing EVERYONE'S LARGEST SINGLE EXPENSE...FREE!

Besides, what's more important, banking or social harmony?

We already know how a feckless capitalist would answer but we're not all LAZY and they are.

[Capitalism exists so they don't have to do ANY of their own Heavy lifting. The 'hired help' does all of THEIR grunt/drudge work!]

IT'S LITERALLY 'LEGALIZED SLAVERY'...made 'better' because their 'obligation' to you ends at the paycheck!

Anyone else see the [dire] NEED for the Human anti-exploitation law? [and the corresponding return of Exile...]

Another expense that needs to go away is transportation. Using a 'Zip Car' model [you know, wheels when you need them?] we eliminate the SECOND largest expense on everybody's balance sheet.

How do we stop the rabid capitalist from sponging up as much of this newly freed 'economic wiggle room' as they can grab, returning us to our starting point?


Worried about all those banking, insurance and investment jobs disappearing? There are twice as many job openings created by making home maintenance FREE!

Wonder how/why our economic system DOESN'T WORK? It's because we allow the shiftless among us to keep what isn't intended to remain in the economy!

Our primary puzzle is it costs the same to feed, clothe and shelter a Billionaire as it does a BUM. That's why Billionaires have bulging bank accounts that do NOBODY ANY GOOD while bums commonly STARVE TO DEATH!

WTF, good citizen?

It's not that the problems are 'unsolvable', the 'will' to solve them doesn't exist!

Now go spank yourself silly, that's it for today...


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