Monday, January 9, 2017

Flip Flop (or it's OK if you're a Republican!)

Greetings good citizen, the latest on the financial front is, son of a gun, turns out Mother Nature ISN'T demanding the budget be balanced after all! [Now that the Rethugs have regained control of both houses and the presidency again.]

Geez, who else has been carrying on about 'all money is funny'?

Oh, that would be ME!

Understand, MONEY as it is currently 'mismanaged' could turn into confetti, pretty much instantly, [if they keep up the crap.]

Like all 'cons', money is heavily reliant on 'confidence'. Erode that confidence and suddenly you have a 'panic' on your hands.

Not encouraging words considering we have a society run by morons and led by idiots.

A situation made worse because it's all a 'con'. If there is such a thing as 'too much truth', what 'EVERYBODY KNOWS' is made that much more frightening because everybody knows but almost nobody realizes it's TRUE! [That you're being played for a chump!]

We all 'think' we're wise but like the old adage goes, none are so blind as those who 'believe they are free'.

Imagine good citizen, your 'freedom' is being stripped from you under the banner of 'public safety' but who will keep us safe from our 'protectors'?

Two names spring to mind, Mister Smith and his partner, Mister Wesson. This assumes YOU possess the, er, 'intestinal fortitude' to do the necessary when our protectors turn their gaze in your direction as they try to preform their perceived 'duty' [as zealously as they can.]

In manufacturing we used to call this phenomenon 'inspect to reject'...we all know full well the same phenomenon exists when it comes to 'law enforcement' and that standard is 'inspect to arrest'.

That's why the boob that pulls you over because you have a burnt out brake light has his hand on the butt of his sidearm like you're one of the FBI's ten most wanted!

What does overzealous policing and the impending collapse of our currency have to do with one another?

Since both are 'cons' [newsflash: they aren't cracking down to keep YOU safe, they're cracking down so their overlords will be 'safe'. YOU they're trying to kill before they have to fight us off 'enmass' in a revolt/panic.

Yes, good citizen, what you have long suspected is true...just as the mathematically impossible Republican victories are also 'fabricated' [for your further confusion/delusion.]

EVERYTHING makes perfect sense if you apply the most jaded perception you can imagine.

Because THAT'S WHO IS RUNNING THNGS, good citizen. People that HONESTLY BELIEVE YOU are a WASTE of perfectly good butt-wipe! [Oxygen too, while we're on the subject!]

Did we 'elect' these people? No, their 'power' comes from political appointees, that most dangerous of all, er, 'predators'.

How do we rid ourselves of them?

There is but one way...PURGE!

The 'good thing' is this won't 'cost' us a cent. It [figuratively speaking] cost a ton to 'insert' these wastrels into the process but removing them will be painless [for us anyway.]

This also provides the foundation for my case to 'replace' our entire form of government. The whole process of 'electing others' to make decisions in our name without ever consulting us is plain batshit crazy!

It only 'works' for those who 'pull the strings' from the shadows.

Let's end 'political gridlock' by voting directly on the laws themselves! If we must live under the law we should have a say in what they set forth!

AND all proposed legislation must first pass muster with the Human Anti-Exploitation Law.

I shouldn't digress like that but coming as it does, on the heels of yesterday's tirade about unemployment and our youth's stolen future, we truly are 'neck deep in stupid around here!'

Um, if you haven't yet, I highly recommend you READ today's headlines...especially the article about Jeff Sessions for an eye opening look at how 'Great' America is about to become.

Who thought appointing a man who thinks our badly broken judicial system isn't executing enough people fast enough would be a 'good pick' for US Attorney General

[Does anyone else wonder why I'd abolish the entire professional practice of law? Shouldn't have a 'price tag' on it and, by the way, the law BY NECESSITY shouldn't be 'complicated'.

Failure to understand the law brings into to question if the law passes the 'just' test. How can it be 'just' if the average person doesn't understand it?

We could try simple laws for the simple people and NO LAWS for the 'smart' people because they'll just figure out a way around them anyway...

Now try that using the Anti-Exploitation Law. Can't do it, can you?

How sad is it we'd advance our species considerably by just implementing those two changes. Abolish lawyers and make every law pass the human anti-exploitation test.

What a wonderful world it could be!

Sadder still is the fact we have a better chance of meeting fictional 'Spirit in the Sky' than we do of EVER seeing that happen!

Welcome to Hell, good citizen!

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


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