Saturday, January 28, 2017

Comply or Die

Greetings good citizen, I will once again remind you that here is THE ONLY PLACE you are referred to as 'a valued member of society' which is pretty incongruous for a nation that prides itself as being [damn auto-correct!] a nation 'of the people, by the people and for the people.'

The part that confuses MOST OF US is who are these so-called 'people'? Surely not YOU.

No irony should be lost that the same people who commit unspeakable acts IN YOUR NAME WITHOUT EVER CONSULTING YOU! INSIST you are one of THEM.

Not a club I'm anxious to be included in, thank you!

I came upon these examples of why I don't wish to be included as a member of the Church of the Poisoned Mind...

[From today's NY Times, online free edition]

Editors' Picks
A rendering of the artificial floating island project in French Polynesia. The project is being put forward by a California nonprofit, the Seasteading Institute, which has raised about $2.5 million from more than 1,000 interested donors.

As Climate Change Accelerates, Floating Cities Look Like Less of a Pipe Dream

A costly plan to build floating islands shows how climate change is pushing the search for innovative solutions, but some critics ask who will ultimately benefit.

OPINION | Op-Ed Contributor
Mexico's Forceful Resistance

President Enrique Peña Nieto should clearly indicate what Trump actions he won't tolerate.


"For those who don't have our back, we're taking names; we will make points to respond to that accordingly."

NIKKI R. HALEY, the new United States ambassador to the United Nations.

Eager to profit from the effects of 'climate change', rabid capitalists are recruiting half-wits around the globe to fund research into 'pay to play' floating cities.

Naturally, an 'orbiting' city would make more sense but the obstacles to such an engineering marvel are gargantuan...starting with space debris in close orbit.

So, like the previous attempt to build 'floating cities' [to be built in Honduras by day laborers] these floating 'terrorist targets' had below the waterline accommodations starting at a million and a half dollars two decades ago.

These floating 'Shang ri la's' (originally billed as floating 'tax havens') would exist as sovereign nations floating on the planet's oceans. The jury was still out if the ship would have it's own defenses or if, for starters, they would 'flag' themselves for the protection of some superpower's navy.

The sovereign part is just the beginning of the 'horror show' this redefined 'ultimate gated community' represents. They also offered the H.O.A. from hell.

Being a 'sovereign nation' they literally could, (for the preservation of the community) toss the unemployed overboard without so much as a life jacket should they come up short on their annual fee.

Will these floating enclaves apply for membership in the U.N.? Possibly but considering our 'quote of the day' they MIGHT want to think twice.

Once again we see [witness] a huge deviation between 'original intent' and actual practice that has hobbled a forum where citizens of the world could meet as theoretical 'equals'.

Again, the 'more for me' crowd has appointed 'my way or the highway' delegates that veto any proposal that doesn't line their personal pockets.

The only reason the UN CONTINUES to exist is to bring 'global pressure' to bear upon any nation not cooperating with the wishes of the 'feckless few'.

Which is to once again, after reading this 'comply or die' dictate from the incoming US ambassador to the UN, makes me repeat the lament that we are long overdue for a 'necktie party'...[ties provided courtesy of the hosts]

Funny for such a self-aggrandizing nation we keep returning to the 'rule of law vs. the rule of man' issue.

Why can't we get this one simple thing right?

Again, the problem is easily solvable but the will to solve it is non-existent! So it is we must demonstrate our RESOLVE not to be the unwilling puppet of the removing the feckless from our midst.

Exile, an idea whose time has 'returned'.

Thanks once again for letting me inside YOUR head,


To my newest followers, a much larger than can be represented here 'smile' :)

Thank YOU for letting me inside YOUR head!

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