Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Shelf life

Greetings good citizen, one of the topics I frequently expounded upon was 'economic reality', in the fifties our parents [for my fellow boomers out there] reaped the double benefits of The New Deal and the easy pickings provided by a world with a bombed out infrastructure. Work was plentiful and times were good. What our silly parents didn't seem to realize is they wouldn't ALWAYS be this way.

The rest of the world recovered and started producing their own stuff and suddenly US Manufacturer's saw their market share dropping because halfway around the planet still meant something before global air travel was established.

But I digress, what 'worked' for Grandma and Grandpa isn't the deal now. Those who enjoyed long working careers thanks to the labor shortages created by WWII were the 'exception' rather than the rule. Soon things reverted to how they were in the 'old days'.

Always lots of work for kids with their vigor and eagerness to establish themselves...they were also 'trainees'. The young neither cost a lot nor did they care if the job provided a 'future'. [They were building their 'resume'.]

Yet today most jobs are 'kid jobs' and while you don't 'have to be young' to do them, it makes it easier on all parties concerned if you are.

The other 'problem' with kid jobs is they don't pay enough to become a fully functioning member of society. They weren't intended to pay well. It is a job you were supposed to 'grow out of'.

Back in the post war 'glory days' you worked at the [mill, plant, mine, refinery] after school. Back then there was no shortage of 'monkey work' that needed a 'warm body' and paid well [for the time] too.

These were 'gateway jobs' the lead onto the shop floor and if your folks were well off enough, you could go to college and get a job in the plant's front office [but 'paying your dues' performing monkey work when you were a youngster was mandatory!]

Now those jobs don't exist here, they were either automated away or the whole industry moved offshore. What we have now is the 'service industry' where people mow each other's lawns and sell each other houses [that magically keep increasing in value for *no good reason!]

(* Banksters used the housing market as a basis to expand the money supply and 'fortified it' with CDO's to 'reduce the risk' of loans defaulting...which they did, big time, when 'economic reality' caught up with economic fantasy.)

As the 'Western Economy continues to be 'hollowed out' [the consolidation of 'market share' begins with an iron grip on the supply chain!] workers are finding their 'shelf life' greatly reduced, often being laid off multiple times until the are forced to seek more stable forms of employment.

What blows most worker's minds is the industry that got rid of them is still seeking workers...but they are only hiring kids. They don't want 'experienced workers'.

How are you feeling about your 'job security' now?

Took a while to get here and (as usual) this is where it gets 'interesting'.

While the 'perpetual training mode' constitutes a 'sweet spot' from many modern operations, the accompanying 'churn' spells suicide for the society that indulges in it.

'Failure to Launch' has reached epidemic proportions because CAPITALISM DOESN'T PROVIDE ENOUGH LIFE SUSTAINING JOBS!

Your 'shelf life' today is roughly 20 years. If you haven't re-invented Silicon Valley or emptied Wall Street into your private account in the Caymans by the time you reach 40 you're TOAST.

This would be all fine and dandy if the average life expectancy were 42.

As it is we're struggling to hit 77 and going backwards if all indicators are to be trusted [thanks to the pernicious spread of poverty.]

Yes, failure to launch leads to a corresponding collapse in 'eligible workers' for the rapacious to exploit. If you never move out of your parents basement chances of you reproducing drop dramatically.

Your perceived 'inability' to provide for yourself makes you 'unsuitable' as mate material.

How fortunate is it for the exploiters that most kids are 'accidents'?

Sadly, the inability to 'keep it in our pants' is only adding to the powder keg preparing to blow society apart with epic force!

The, er, 'frightening' part of this twisted scenario is those responsible for these circumstances will be doing everything in their considerable power to 'deflect' the blame by blaming the original VICTIMS!

Most 'failure to launch' victims blame their parents for not stepping aside! For grabbing what the feckless few tell them should have been 'theirs'.

What the feckless few DON'T tell them is THEY are the reason why the future is bleak for EVERYBODY!

[Those 'silver spoons' for THEIR BABIES/GRAND-BABIES have to come from somewhere and guess who they're taking them from? Takes a whole lot of taking to make a worthwhile 'trust fund'!

Now those kids are having kids and heaven forbid if the neighbors kids have more than theirs do!

Now do you see why most of the wealthy have more than they can spend?

It's a disease for which there isn't a cure...per se.

Can't take it with you but part of the illness is the compulsion to leave behind as much as you can so the future will 'remember you'.

Someday we will establish a global day of loathing specifically for those who care more about their 'legacy' than their fellow humans. [We can hash out the details later...right now the idea alone is strangely comforting.

Post script: Your 'shelf life' is directly related to your continued success in contributing to the gene pool. It is one of the most important factors facing humanity and it WILL threaten an extinction level event if we continue to allow the self-interested to run things into the ground.

Time for a STRIKE!

Get it together people of the world!

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Monday, January 30, 2017

Tariffs for Dummies

Greetings good citizen, talk about taking the 'long way home', assumption A.) regarding Trump's 'tariff strategy' is that levying the tariff affords the DOMESTIC MANUFACTURER the tariff is attached to a 'competitive advantage'.

What happens when there ISN'T A DOMESTIC EQUIVALENT?


So instead of 'bringing jobs home' all tariffs do [in the absence of domestically produced products] is DRIVE UP THE PRICE!

Is this not the retailer's dream? Higher prices and a government to blame them on?

How sad is it that the One Percent thinks we're STUPID? Worse, they also KNOW there is nothing we can do about it now! We have to live with this one until we get another chance to try again four years from now. [Assuming we aren't invaded and occupied in the meantime for the 'safety' of the rest of the world...still a very real probability.]

Um, 'The Rich' AREN'T like you and me...and that statement is news to no one. Hell, even the rich know they are 'different' [how f'n pathetic is it that the think/believe they're 'superior'?] Nope, but it is that 'air of superiority' that feeds/drives something the average person doesn't have to contend with, the 'expectation' that whatever they come up with is, because it came from them, is, by necessity 'superior'.

Again, NOBODY should be 'shocked' that a man raised 'away' from the world you and I wake up in everyday would stumble when he attempts to deal with problems we regularly take in stride.

REGULAR 'politicians' don't go there. They say stuff in their stump speeches but most of it is meaningless drivel. They may talk about the nation's problems but intuitively KNOW better than to try and solve them. Those 'problems' exist for a reason and there are very powerful people behind those reasons!

So it is we have one side [commerce] of the 'true' political divide finally meeting the other, [criminal] side.

No irony should be lost that one side COULDN'T EXIST WITHOUT THE OTHER. [Although, admittedly, crime doesn't always consist of the pursuit of wealth, it is often only the by-product of a much darker passion.

Yes, good citizen, remove all 'wealth' from society and there will still be 'criminals', those who will take what you have simply because they can.

Worse, they'll justify this by calling it the 'Law of the Jungle', survival of the fittest when the taker is usually handicapped when it comes to being 'useful'.

You see, being 'useful' doesn't apply to THEM! They are 'superior' to the rabble they regularly prey upon. [How ironic this is the type that gravitates towards The Law?]

Ever wonder why the law today is more about penalty and payment than it is about Justice?

For profit prisons only add an exclamation point to my outrage!

Yet I find myself in the minority.

Backtracking slightly [everything is related, just some more than others] we have the 'job' of being president, part of which is actual. Try and actually 'do' the job you were elected to do and win yourself a nice [televised even] State Funeral or sit back, relax and let your 'betters' [the ones who financed your campaign] drive the bus, letting the chips fall where they may.

The JOB is NOT that 'complicated' [although the founders did the best they could with the tight timeline they had to work with, updating all the while as they rammed 'ratification' through the States, often in 'midnight sessions' because the public would revolt if they knew what the founders were up to!

Rope burns...something scoundrels are always wary of. If nothing else they feared hanging due to their own 'sloppiness' most of all!

Shouldn't the 'President' and by extension, the President's party [this time all 3 branches at under conservo-whacko, er, Republican control so theoretically there should be no limits on what the Republicants can achieve!]

Oh, wait a minute! We have a 'deeply divided' Republicant party. Half of them are 'traditionalists' and the other half are Tea-tards!

Shoot, what does this mean when it comes to 'making Murika Great Again?'

Better luck next time?

If nothing else we will be 'entertained' by the antics of the latest 'clown' elected to be the 'leader of the 'free world'.

I keep hearing about this place and I'd love to know where it is although by now I'm thinking this 'free world' is like money, it's actually 'a thing of the mind'.

Chances are most of us couldn't afford to live there so it's sort of a moot point.

I know they are fond of calling THIS the Land of the Free but that's not right, nothing here is 'free'...nothing is safe, nothing is sacred...probably better to call it the land of nothing...[because that's what most of us got!]

I know most of you have a low tolerance for 'boo-hoo'...which leads us to the next inevitable question...what's it like living in a house with no mirrors?

Thank you for letting me inside your head,


Sunday, January 29, 2017

A world in turmoil

Greetings good citizen, as I belabor the obvious once again, today's NY Times provides us with this 'snapshot' of a world at odds with itself.

Part of what is ticking in everybody's craw is the fact we have deeper, more disturbing problems to be dealt with but this is where our so-called 'leaders' are focused...


Pope Francis during his meeting in June with the Knights of Malta leader, Matthew Festing. The pope asked Mr. Festing to resign this past week and announced that a papal delegate would take his place.
Ten Centuries Later, a Pope and Knights Do Battle

A Vatican rift has spilled into the Knights of Malta, a sovereign order. Freemasons, beware.

A pedestrian walks past by a giant poster of a Euro coin near Waterloo in London this month.
The Questions That Could Reshape a Worried Europe in 2017

The rise of populism, economic threats and the uncertainty of relations with the Trump administration are sources of turbulence for Europe.

Taliban in Ghazni Province, Afghanistan, in 2015. The insurgency has diversified its revenue.
Taliban, Collecting Bills for Afghan Utilities, Tap New Revenue Sources

As militants have taken over increasingly large areas in the past two years, they have found ways beyond the illicit drug trade to make money.

Each individually is disturbing enough, bad enough we have religions at 'war' with one another but how sad is it when they war with themselves?

The second item is a reflection of a larger picture as a 'rudderless' humanity becomes more 'self-absorbed' and the like-minded become militant over issues 90% of us aren't even aware of. [Much like the first example, a tempest in a tea pot.]

With so many MAJOR Issues [Homelessness/unemployment/youth's failure to launch] being deemed 'unaddressable' by [our elected/self-appointed overlords] who won't even acknowledge, much less do anything about these issues. Ordinary people are banding together to address their 'pet peeves' without consideration for the outcome.

Difficult in these confusing times is sorting out what/how much is genuine and how much is the media's relentless hammering at the wedges that divide us...because THAT is behind MOST of the 'picayune, who gives a crap?' issues the media points to when it labels society as 'deeply divided'.

Instead of asking if this is a 'real issue' the whole situation could be put to bed if the people were asked 'is this the hill you're prepared to die on?' Most people would respond NO, there are more important issues but we can't get our politicians to respond to us...or when we do put them on the spot, they 'side-step', claiming, 'answers aren't easy' and the issue needs further study...'

And nothing happens. No study, no action and the problem persists.

But let's drop down to the last item in today's snapshot, shall we?

The Talibs are 'collecting for commerce'...by implication, they haven't opened a collection agency to dun accounts that are in arrears. They [from the appearance of things] are collecting from EVERYBODY and taking a 'cut' of the proceeds.

What do you suppose 'the utility' will do about this usurpation of their rights? Turn them in to the government or raise everybody's rates to make up for the 'skim'?

Under A Simple Plan things like utilities are 'free'. (society pays the workers at the power plant to do what they do so there is no need for you to pay them too.) [the idiocy of capitalism, a.k.a. 'debt-driven society', where everybody works for the 'creditors'....except, ironically, the creditors themselves...such is the 'genius' of Hamilton (shot for good reason!)]

Which, as a sidebar, raises another disturbing phenomenon that has evolved out of the 'Reagan Revolution/Morning in America' known by the wise as the bloodless coup of 1980.

America 'fell' then, literally ceased to exist, what has happened since is the work of the self-interested, clinging to their slender and dwindling source of power...oil.

The current 'ball of confusion' we are witnessing now springs directly from the machinations of those whose power is derived from their control of fossil fuels.

If we are to survive the inevitable collapse of fossil fuel we must sweep aside the self interested who resist the necessary solutions to our energy dependence.

But this is 'rational' and therefore is rejected by the self-interested. They will ride it into the ground...IF WE LET THEM.

The thing to remember here is ALL MONEY IS FUNNY, compounded by and all your money won't another SECOND buy.

Since there is no 'cash' [and, ironically, the morons in charge KNOW ALL CRIME IS CASH AND CARRY!] there would be [almost] no crime [nothing we can do about those incidents of 'temporary insanity' we like to refer to as 'crimes of passion'.

If I'm gonna post I better shake a leg, sorry for the 'sloppiness' this post isn't up to my usual standards but time presses!

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Saturday, January 28, 2017

Comply or Die

Greetings good citizen, I will once again remind you that here is THE ONLY PLACE you are referred to as 'a valued member of society' which is pretty incongruous for a nation that prides itself as being [damn auto-correct!] a nation 'of the people, by the people and for the people.'

The part that confuses MOST OF US is who are these so-called 'people'? Surely not YOU.

No irony should be lost that the same people who commit unspeakable acts IN YOUR NAME WITHOUT EVER CONSULTING YOU! INSIST you are one of THEM.

Not a club I'm anxious to be included in, thank you!

I came upon these examples of why I don't wish to be included as a member of the Church of the Poisoned Mind...

[From today's NY Times, online free edition]

Editors' Picks
A rendering of the artificial floating island project in French Polynesia. The project is being put forward by a California nonprofit, the Seasteading Institute, which has raised about $2.5 million from more than 1,000 interested donors.

As Climate Change Accelerates, Floating Cities Look Like Less of a Pipe Dream

A costly plan to build floating islands shows how climate change is pushing the search for innovative solutions, but some critics ask who will ultimately benefit.

OPINION | Op-Ed Contributor
Mexico's Forceful Resistance

President Enrique Peña Nieto should clearly indicate what Trump actions he won't tolerate.


"For those who don't have our back, we're taking names; we will make points to respond to that accordingly."

NIKKI R. HALEY, the new United States ambassador to the United Nations.

Eager to profit from the effects of 'climate change', rabid capitalists are recruiting half-wits around the globe to fund research into 'pay to play' floating cities.

Naturally, an 'orbiting' city would make more sense but the obstacles to such an engineering marvel are gargantuan...starting with space debris in close orbit.

So, like the previous attempt to build 'floating cities' [to be built in Honduras by day laborers] these floating 'terrorist targets' had below the waterline accommodations starting at a million and a half dollars two decades ago.

These floating 'Shang ri la's' (originally billed as floating 'tax havens') would exist as sovereign nations floating on the planet's oceans. The jury was still out if the ship would have it's own defenses or if, for starters, they would 'flag' themselves for the protection of some superpower's navy.

The sovereign part is just the beginning of the 'horror show' this redefined 'ultimate gated community' represents. They also offered the H.O.A. from hell.

Being a 'sovereign nation' they literally could, (for the preservation of the community) toss the unemployed overboard without so much as a life jacket should they come up short on their annual fee.

Will these floating enclaves apply for membership in the U.N.? Possibly but considering our 'quote of the day' they MIGHT want to think twice.

Once again we see [witness] a huge deviation between 'original intent' and actual practice that has hobbled a forum where citizens of the world could meet as theoretical 'equals'.

Again, the 'more for me' crowd has appointed 'my way or the highway' delegates that veto any proposal that doesn't line their personal pockets.

The only reason the UN CONTINUES to exist is to bring 'global pressure' to bear upon any nation not cooperating with the wishes of the 'feckless few'.

Which is to once again, after reading this 'comply or die' dictate from the incoming US ambassador to the UN, makes me repeat the lament that we are long overdue for a 'necktie party'...[ties provided courtesy of the hosts]

Funny for such a self-aggrandizing nation we keep returning to the 'rule of law vs. the rule of man' issue.

Why can't we get this one simple thing right?

Again, the problem is easily solvable but the will to solve it is non-existent! So it is we must demonstrate our RESOLVE not to be the unwilling puppet of the feckless...by removing the feckless from our midst.

Exile, an idea whose time has 'returned'.

Thanks once again for letting me inside YOUR head,


To my newest followers, a much larger than can be represented here 'smile' :)

Thank YOU for letting me inside YOUR head!

Friday, January 27, 2017

The Dow and YOU [most of you anyway]

Greetings good citizen, seems every politician likes to take a bow when 'the market', er, 'preforms well' but as we have learned, Wall Street has absolutely ZERO to do with conditions on Main Street.

The Dow, originally established to measure America's Industrial might now consists almost entirely of financial concerns that make NOTHING.

It IS safe to extend that thought to what the Dow hitting 20,000 'means'. What does it represent? To you, NOTHING, to the wealthy whose wealth is measured via their 'holdings' it's a cheap parlor trick used to defraud YOU out of your labor.

Like 'Money' itself, the Stock Market is a fraud. Isn't it ironic most wealthy people are GIVEN stock? Founders are 'awarded' stock in proportion to their initial investment and their position on the totem pole but often, 'useful strangers' [how coincident is it that these strangers are often politicians?] are awarded either 'free' or deeply discounted stock in exchange for their, er, 'assistance'.

Well, in the end, fraud is fraud...and it probably won't be long before the 'stock market' goes 'poof' along with all the banks. [Revolution will, by necessity, overhaul the entire banking industry regardless of who takes charge. While it would be a deeply unpopular move, if the agents of the current exploiters regain control, banking will become an even uglier thing than it is now.

Equality and Justice folks, that's the side you want to be on...unless your relatives on the 'dark side' have promised you a seat at the trough...

Then your 'inner opportunist' will decide for you.

Not a lot of time and I have been meaning to 'AIR' that the Dow hitting 20,000 DIDN'T 'Make Murika Great AGAIN!'

In case some of you were wondering.

Thanks for letting me inside our head and kick off the weekend right! Get out and HOWL!


Thursday, January 26, 2017

I hate you...

Greetings good citizen, how many of you caught El Trumpo's 'interview' last night? I tuned in about half-way through, just in time to catch him defending his stance on Muslim immigration.

They hate us! he insisted...which brings us to a different question, who doesn't?

Here's a thought, instead of fretting over who hates us and who doesn't, why not try and 'fix' the problem?

Hate is matter of degrees and often 'hate' (being the strongest of the range) isn't accurate. Perhaps 'resent' is closer to the mark. If you resent a dozen different things about someone, that can easily blossom into 'hate' and we all know what happens when you hate something 'with a passion'...it leads, inevitably, to murder...[sometimes camouflaged as 'war']

Well, El Trumpo is quite correct, ignore the first pillar of civilization (as the privileged obviously have...just ask them, they'll tell you flat out, 'equality is for chumps!')

So when you 'ignore' equality, people 'resent it'...and since the One Percent doesn't give a fig about equality they are seen the world over as the 'ugly class'. [Again, not that they 'care' but they ARE AWARE!]

The media's insistence that the world is filled with 'haters' is merely an extension of the owner classes 'angst'. They know everybody 'resents' their 'advantage' and doesn't care if it's God Given. They also know the destitute rub their hands with glee and cackle with joy when they contemplate what will happen to them in the 'afterlife'.

Isn't it nice to be superstitious and believe is such horsecrap? If ANY of them truly believed 'God' was going to 'get them', they'd give up their fortunes in a heartbeat...[and many did by donating their 'earthly riches' to the chuch.]

Yeah, I mis-spelled it on purpose. Partly because it's close to chooch...which is something [guess/add nationality here] for ass/donkey.

But I digress.

Today's topic is hatred and how to address it. Last night our newly elected leader was parroting the views of his masters, openly opining that 'we created ISIS by not TAKING Iraq's oil when we had the chance'.

How many 'enemies' do you think we'd have if we pumped Iraq dry and left it with nothing? Not sure anybody would live up to their 'treaties' after a dick move like that.

Um, what were we supposed to do, fill up jerry jugs until we got it all? We're talking tens of billions of gallons! It would take YEARS!

Then Bozo goes on to condemn the invasion in the first place. A truly reckless act committed by the LAST REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT!

Welcome to the 'Twilight Zone' good citizen where 'alternative facts' regularly upend your reality and the only thing that matters is 'comply or die'.

Without Equality there can be no Justice and without Justice there can be no Peace.

If your 'civilization' doesn't conform to these principles then it's a TYRANNY! [Of the do as I say and not as I do variety.]

Now we take a sec to check back to the title of this piece...do you think I might have a reason [nevermind a justification] for feeling like I do?

Yup, it is 100% YOUR FAULT! You put up with it so this is how it stays.

I take that back because there are fewer things more dangerous than a leader without a 'vision' and many of our 'would be' leaders can't think their way out of a paper bag, never mind take on problems that have been festering for CENTURIES!

Yup, as you look around good citizen you'll find yourself neck-deep in centuries old poop that nobody did anything about so it sits there, stinking.

The 'bad news' is a lot of it seeped into YOUR BRAIN, much of it planted there by 'well-intentioned' others.

Gonna take a lot of mental floss to scrub it out of there...and it's gonna smart a little but no pain, no gain!

When a society spends more time keeping itself out of harms way than it does standing up for itself it's time to flush the toilet!

First move, STRIKE [international!] The 9 meals clock starts the day the strike does, after the 9 meals pass it's 'free for all' time!

Yup, done in 3 days.

By the end of the 4th we should gain independence. [Naturally that is wildly optimistic. 'Pockets of resistance' will remain months after capitulation. The danger lies in our fleet of submarines, which the feckless will attempt to use to bomb our sailors home!] Hopefully the Captain will have enough sense to see the 'futility' of bombing his own nation.

But if we're talking Mercs then all bets are off.

Which is to point out that the road ahead is fraught with danger. If we are to turn over a world to our children that values Equality, Justice and Peace (and peace's 'by-product' Prosperity not just for a few but ALL!)

The 'choice' (as always) is YOURS

Thanks once again for letting me inside YOUR HEAD,


Wednesday, January 25, 2017

What are they thinking?

Greetings good citizen, my 7th grade history teacher was famous for saying 'things are rough all over' [especially when one of his students tried to hand him an excuse in lieu of their assignment.]

We won't delve into the origins of such a banal remark save to rest assured that it's been around since the dawn of time. It's mankind's primary response when presented with evidence that the wheels are coming off civilization.

So we might ask, is today's link just one of many global incidents of inept governance [read governments being lead to slaughter by feckless bankers] or, like the sudden interest in handout programs [primarily to keep the supply chain flowing] has the global race to the bottom finally arrived at it's 'end game'.

Understand, what was 'billed as' the search for excellence was actually the global pursuit of 'market share'. It had NOTHING to do with lower cost and higher quality. In fact, once the markets are 'locked', planned obsolescence will be re-introduced to keep the product 'churning.'

Left to our imagination is just WHO will be able to afford such things. The 'cadre' of producers/owners keeps shrinking [something the 'sell-outs' will regret later because they will be unable to compete/re-enter the marketplace thanks to a lack of leverage and a decimated customer base.]

It's a bad situation about to be compounded by a HUGE surplus population.

There are two ways around this, er, 'problem' [the most ancient of these solutions, running away is no longer possible.] Mr. Lusk would like to sell all who could afford it rides to Mars but regular suicide is quicker and vastly cheaper for all concerned parties.

So number one is to abandon rapacious capitalism and re-order the marketplace into a equitable platform all can participate in or we could use the media to incite bloody violence and reduce the 'surplus population' via genocide.

Which one do you think our current batch of morons are favoring?

You already know I'm 'jaded', I'm betting on door number 2...or number 3 if things start getting out of hand. Didn't I say door three was gone?

This number 3 only came into existence in the last century but it also emboldened the exploiters, the power to wipe out whole cities in a single blinding flash. Door number 3 used to be 'run-away' but now it has become 'duck & cover'!

How stupid are we? Our nuclear arsenal is in the hands of the very people who would use them against us...

Are they simple enough to believe it will save them from 'rope & light pole time?' Probably not...but they think they will 'avenge themselves' by destroying life on this planet.

So what comes to mind now when we repeat 'things are tough all over'?

If your answer is 'better to die on your feet than live on your knees', follow me!

Switching mental gears [something I do often, especially when we find ourselves boxed in by the forces of 'why bother'?] we need to keep in mind that the goal is 'the greater good' FOR our species AND our planet. {Not just to toil away so Moe can be rich, selfish and insufferable...and die without doing ANYTHING about it because we were promised (ironically by Moe's henchmen) that God would deal with Moe after he died.

Dunno about you, matey but I want my 'pound of flesh' in advance! [I want Moe to pay NOW!]

Life shouldn't be 'fantastic' for just those who claim they are 'God's Chosen', life should be pretty good, okay for ALL OF US!

The facts as they stand are 1.) Nobody has a bill of sale signed by God/fake deity. 2.) Mother Nature doesn't have a cash register! [ALL resources are FREE to the 'owner', they don't pay for them so there's no need to pay them for them!]

The two founding premises of capitalism are both faulty...what does it tell you that capitalism was originally instituted at the tip of a spear? [and remains in place at the barrel of a gun.]

Simply put, good citizen, comply or die.

How do we 'maximize' the quality of life for as many people as possible? It all starts wit the human anti-exploitation law, which outlaws the employer/employee contract.

[Nobody but YOU can be paid for YOUR LABOR!]

Who 'buys your labor? Society.

Who pays you for your labor? Society.

Where do you obtain what you need to live a full life? From 'the store' [you can get EVERYTHING there] What you can't get in person you can get online...if you have the money. What happens to your money after you spend it? It's ERASED! NOBODY GETS IT! ['Society/commerce' doesn't need it and once it's 'spent' it is removed from circulation.]

MONEY IS A TOOL! [Not the be all, end all!]

BUT NO, none of you want your 'freedom' [to keep making somebody else rich] taken away from you cuz someday it's gonna be YOU that is the 'Big Boss'! [Dream on, you can barely spell Big Boss much less become one!]

Let me conclude with the 'holy trinity'; without EQUALITY there can be no JUSTICE and without JUSTICE there can be no PEACE...ironically this 'trinity has a forth stanza, without PEACE there can be no PROSPERITY! {Are you paying attention pudding head?}

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Amp it up?

Greetings good citizen, didn't catch my dose of 3M until I got back in last night and what I saw gave me a WTF moment.

Naturally, I'm not referring to Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing, the Three M's I'm referring to are the 3M's of [modern/faux] liberalism, Moore, Maddow and Mahar.

Can't fault them [except the 'strategy' that worked for radicalized conservatives [P-Tards] was aided by the corporate owned media and the conservative 'echo chamber', of which faux liberalism possesses neither.] but it's a TERRIBLE IDEA.


The people PRETENDING to be Democrats are actually just opportunists taking advantage of a personally lucrative opportunity. [They have been assured safety if it ever comes to ropes and light poles...a promise that will evaporate the moment even one of them gets strung up!]

So the faux liberals would lead us in a campaign to WIDEN THE GAP [ironically, between Catholics and Protestants] which will be used to justify the NEXT STOLEN ELECTION!

[In case you're confused, Catholics are liberal and protestants are conservative.] That's 'how' most of us came by our political beliefs.

The future [of politics] is murky because of the decline/amped up polarization found in modern organized religion.

Again, ironically, driven by the 'believe as I believe or burn in hell' mindset.

Discount the 'real' polarizing element on our species [money] and it becomes a matter which 'ideology' YOUR GOD 'favors'...how ironic is it that the One Percent subscribes to a God that preaches he helps those who help themselves.

I guess it's not 'theft' if God approves...

SIDEBAR: Lennin recognized GOD for what it was, a WEDGE used to divide the people. If you're going to conquer an existing 'ideology' the first thing you need to accomplish is dividing the 'convincible' from the 'true believers'.

He, removed God [THE PRINCIPLE JUSTIFICATION FOR RULERDOM] so the public would be free to embrace 'self-rule'. Never got past that first step but he was on the right track.

My 'WEDGE' is pointing to how YOU are being MANIPULATED by those wielding the wedges! [Yes, including me.]

It is my belief that all revolutions 'fail' because it's followers don't understand what they are fighting for. Those who fought in the American Revolution sure didn't! [They all [hoped] for a benevolent KING!] Washington's refusal of the crown threw a wrench into that plan! [Sort of a prerequisite to be King, must first be a 'conqueror'...]

A full copy of A Simple Plan is on my blog of the same title...which should explain the dog of a movie with the IDENTICAL TITLE they made to misdirect people from finding it in a search. You should be able to find it under 'other blogs by George Anderson' otherwise try 'A Simple Plan' in the blogger search bar.

Knowledge is power, know what you're buying into BEFORE you revolt! [Most 'victims' of revolution DON'T!] Will it 'set you free'? The answer should be right there in the black & white!

You may note I don't outright abolish religion, I 'defund' it. Worship whatever YOU like but don't be a 'hater' because others mock you. The world already has too much hate. I also make 'marriage', er, 'obsolete'. Again, hatred is a 'learned thing'. What we teach our children can be very damaging/limiting to their young minds...so the state will take over the responsibility of caring for and educating our young.

Not just YOUR kids but ALL kids. The environment they grow up in will have a heavy influence on the people they become, instead of being taught their poop doesn't stink they will learn that everybody's poop stinks, regardless.

You want your child to be 'special' well wake up and smell the dirty diapers cuz this is what the world looks like when everybody's SPECIAL!

Hate to break it to you but like moldy leftovers, YOU made this.

If we are to preserve our species, we must break these reckless habits we developed out of our own tortured youth.

Face it. There are at least three things that happened to YOU in your youth that you SWORE you'd never do to your kid! I won't even go there to ask if you were 'good to your word'. [You weren't.]

It takes a village and if we are to have a thriving, well adjusted population that isn't so full of THEMSELVES that they will screw over the rest of humanity JUST TO GET WHAT THEY WANT THIS SECOND!

Well, think I'm 'exaggerating'? [Not even a little, look at the POTUS for a living example.]

We can't go on like this. I 'published' A Simple Plan so people could see what it had to offer. It's NOT all ice cream and lollipops but neither is the world we MUST SHARE!

Without a 'blueprint' to follow, a revolt is simply 'shuffling the deck, the deal doesn't change [significantly, the winner will leave their 'mark' but it essentially remains the same because inertia does that.]

So, is 'widening the gap' really the wisest move considering the PLAN is to kill off as much of the surplus population as violently as possible?

Dunno who 3M claims to represent, I'm still trying to figure out what a progressive is.

Which brings me to my final point [for today] Can you play a game [nevermind win] that keeps you in the dark regarding the rules and what the other player's goals are?

Consider how little you KNOW then think for a minute about what I have to share...

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Monday, January 23, 2017

Abandon all hope

Greetings good citizen, most of you have your heads so packed full of nonsense that change [beyond that which comes from the barrel of a gun] is, in fact, IMPOSSIBLE.

The NEED to believe that our lot in life ISN'T the product of those who are cruel for cruelty's sake, that the successful among us AREN'T THIEVES is so deeply engrained that your little head would explode if it even tried to accept the TRUTH.

I have repeatedly demonstrated the problems facing society are 'readily solvable' but it has zero effect...I am not the POTUS, not that he can do much about things either...

I marvel that the thieves are SO 'dimwitted' that their 'proposal' to fix the global economy is 'welfare' on a massive scale!

Why work if you an get the same thing doing nothing? [those 'born to it' see nothing 'wrong' with this idea. To them 'contributing to society' is for fools/chumps to begin with!]

Worse, 'bread & circuses' only increases demand for MORE OF THE SAME.

Naturally, it also ignores 'the Elephant in the room', the ONLY WAY to get ahead under a scheme like this is to take it from someone else. So instead of content, subservient herd animals you end up with predators that make EVERYBODY miserable.

But hey, paid for doing nothing? Sure, it 'sounds like a good idea' if you don't look at it too closely.

Understand, this is what the morons running things have come up with.

But excuse me, I digress because I forgot WHO I was addressing [forgive me guys & gals] but only one in a hundred of you KNOWS WHY THE MORONS want to pay you for doing nothing...

Because 'commerce' is collapsing due to 'a (severe) lack of customers'!

Anybody else notice this obvious phenomenon?

Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?

Automate all of your workers and your customer base shrinks to 'inconsequential' [just you and the other 'owners'.]

Did I mention the half-wits running things are clueless?

Did I also point out there is no way to use the system to fix the system?

I DID! [then WTF are YOU doing?!]

Do I need an electric cattle prod or would a sawed off twelve gauge suffice to get you off your dead backside?

But as I pointed out in the beginning, you guys won't 'act'. You'll only 'react'. It won't be until somebody shoves a riot gun into the small of your back that you'll go all John Wayne Barney Fife on 'em. [Don't kill me, don't kill me, pleeese don't kill me!]

"Better to die on your feet than live on your knees" is just so much bravado to most of you. You've all become so accustomed to crawling but that's what 'go along to get along' gets you!

The feckless media is wondering aloud where the [global] 'Women's March' is headed next but we all know we won't find out if there isn't bloodshed to make their point.

If they remain non-violent, they'll be ignored to death. [Just like 'occupy']

Let the trucks stop running for three days and the streets will run in blood after the supermarket locks its doors.

'Civilization' is only 9 meals deep...after that it's a 'free for all'.

You know what needs doing...STRIKE and throw the MORONS 'juicing' us because they can into EXILE [a one-way trip] OR push your kids into a brush chipper then dive in after them!

It will be over in a second and your endless misery will end instantly. Don't want to fight, just cut to the chase!

Three things people hate, cameras, mirrors and the TRUTH.

If you aren't [and unwilling qualifies] part of the solution, you're part of the PROBLEM!

It's time, good citizen. If not for yourselves then for your children!

[Reminder time]

It is NEVER my intent to tell you WHAT TO THINK, my job is to provide you with SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT.


Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Sunday, January 22, 2017

Can't see it from my house...

Greetings good citizen, seems our new president (with his 'secret handshake') hasn't won over the fairer sex. Does anyone else see the irony in his question 'why didn't these people vote'?

Don't work like that puddin' head! If we could have 'voted against' Trump he would have LOST in a LANDSLIDE, his opponent as well. NOBODY [well, very few] were 'satisfied' with their choices this past November, highlighting the fact 'We're doing this WRONG!'.

Worse, this is only the beginning of 'bad and worse, way worse...' We could probably come up with some doosies if we gave it a little thought. Let's let Ted Cruz change hats and run as a Democrat against Paul Ryan...how's that for a (double) 'suck pill?'

There are thousands of turd sandwich vs giant douche match ups out there and we're gonna keep getting them fed to us because [despite all money being funny] campaigns 'cost' a fortune and if you don't have the cash then you're NOT a candidate...period amen.

It's not about you're 'platform', it's about the multi-million dollar 'investment' it takes JUST TO GET YOUR NAME ON THE BALLOT!

Then we have 'clowns' like *Bernie.


[*If I have to explain it to you then you either aren't PAYING ATTENTION or you're too dim to get it.]

Yeah, we're 'easily' mislead, often it's a little 'too easy'.

Let it suffice to say the 'system' is broken and there isn't a way, 'using the system' to change it. [Get that many people that pissed off and it's called a revolution! Which is to say once again that we just voted in our 'last election', If the next one even smacks of the last one things WILL NOT go well.

'The union' such as it ain't (and hasn't been since the 'palace coup' we call the 'Reagan Revolution') will 'implode' with horrific force.

That, er, 'simmering' you see in the streets today is just the precursor to a major blow!

Probably prudent to point out that they [the protesters] ARE NOT following my instructions [don't take to the streets, don't confront...'authority', toe to toe, you LOSE and the violence will be senseless.]

Your play is to track the 'Strike Breakers' and mete out 'justice' 'one on one' [a.k.a. a time where YOU enjoy the numerical advantage.]

We all know how this is going to 'end'. The 'Women's march' will be ignored into silence and it will dry up but it won't blow away. It will be added into the simmering cauldron of frustration that our society has become.

Why don't you strike? Do you fear the capitalists?

That's not how it should be. Things are as they are because they [rightly] fear YOU!

Fun with statistics time... we have this article from the MSN homepage [faux news jr.] Here we are with unemployment at a 47 year LOW while the population has more than doubled [with well over 100 MILLION working aged citizens listed as 'not in the workforce'. [WTF?!]

Could this, er, 'recession' really be due to people tired of the same old, same old or is the truth more frightening to contemplate? That these people stopped 'dining out' because they discovered the joys of 'dumpster diving'? [which is FREE...until the under-worked and over paid guys with the badges decide you're 'stealing' [the fact that it's trash doesn't matter, it's still the restaurant's 'property'...[WTF?...again.]

Because THAT DAY is coming too good citizen. When you mumble your prayers to the author of your misery each night, thanking he/she/it for sparing you [today] from this fate, will you still consider it GOD'S PLAN to 'justify' turning your head when it's something YOU COULD PUT A STOP TO?

I know you don't like having your nose rubbed in it but if you don't 'own up' you won't GROW UP!


[let me just add in here the unspoken 'to win' part. Stop the trucks and you stop the thieves!] You CAN strip naked and scream 'shoot me' and they might even oblige you but chances are they'll just round you up and toss you into a 'holding facility' to starve to death.

Remember the refrain, 'comply of die'.

Bad PR to gun you down in the street but if you starve in silence, unobserved...they can claim 'ignorance' [or 'pretend' it was the work of a/couple of bad apples that were 'overzealous' [and too stupid to keep a copy of their orders...]

DON'T get jailed...it's unlikely you'll be 'liberated' in time. Especially 'early on'.

When the strike starts EVERYBODY WILL STRIKE because we MUST hold the same line they do and that line is COMPLY OR DIE!

We can't use the system to change the system so we MUST implement a NEW SYSTEM and that new System is A Simple Plan!

The pieces are in place, now it's time to ACT!

Thank you for letting me inside YOUR HEAD,


Saturday, January 21, 2017

Non Post

Greetings good citizen, again the schedule conspires to keep me AFK for the bulk of the day, really should be scrambling right now but this environment is 'publish or perish' and I want to post something even if all I tell you is 'no post today'.

Thanks for stopping by, browse some of my earlier entries, always amusing!


Friday, January 20, 2017

One more time

Greetings good citizen, some of you are filled with dread, others with jubilation. The showman who ran as a Republican and got elected on a 'old school Democratic platform' [which means he lied from the start] is merely a 'bird in a cage', a puppet on a string.

He's promising to 'bring jobs back' but he doesn't have that kind of authority. He can't 'order' formerly US based companies to return their operations to the US...pronto!

He COULD [and probably WILL 'poison the well' by making it 'cost prohibitive' to sell into the US market...but that ship has sailed as well.

When the jobs 'left' here, SO DID THE EQUIPMENT NEEDED TO DO THEM! Worse, the 'old stuff' was used to 'transition' while new, automated, 'idiot-proof' processes were developed. Now the equipment that left here has been MELTED FOR SCRAP!

Reality check number 2 is there is nobody here that knows how to run this equipment anymore. The US has been a manufacturing wasteland for more than forty years. Those of us that used to know how to do what needs doin' are too old to do it!

So we have no equipment AND no 'talent'. For an entire generation people that would have followed their fathers onto the shop floor have become waiters or truck drivers...or stocked shelves with stuff made elsewhere.

Again, the LYING LIARS continue to tell us that 'globalization' was done for us...but in reality it was done TO US!

REMOVE 'Mother Nature's cash register' and it 'costs' no more to feed, clothe and shelter an American than it does a Chinaman. The 'Cheaper there' is and ALWAYS HAS BEEN A 'MENTAL CONSTRUCT'! [AN IDEA for those of you sitting there with your jaw in your lap like a buffalo hit by a stun gun!]

Why is the, er, 'globalized economy' falling apart? Economics 101, NOBODY can't live in an economic wasteland.

We'd all [in our heads anyway] LOVE to live up Maine or maybe get our own 'reality TV show' in Alaska except there are already TOO MANY PEOPLE trying [and failing] to do exactly that. Without modern methodologies, the land just can't support 'free range living' these people are attempting.

Too many people hunting too few resources.

What most of you aren't aware of is what the 'endgame' of globalization is all about.

It is (and always was) about THE CONSOLIDATION OF 'MARKET SHARE'.

Most of you can't wrap your head around what that means, the ongoing 'gobbling up' of competitors so, in the end only a handful remain.

When there isn't another source [like, say razor blades...] your stuck paying what the 'sole survivor' demands.

Even the 'upstarts' pushing to fill the void created by a, er, 'monolith' haven't competed on 'price', they're still in the same insane ballpark as the 'market leader' and the price ISN'T justified...but nobody's doing anything about the defacto monopoly either.

Avis may have 'tried harder' but when it was revealed they were BOTH [Hertz was number one] owned by the SAME CORPORATE PARENT, charges of 'malfeasance' and corporate wrong-doing emerged.

Chances are 'monopolies' have 're-emerged' with the advent of 'supranational corporations' that are 'accountable' to no sovereign nation but themselves. The, er, 'puzzling' razor blade situation is the first to rear it's head. We don't have the 'legal horsepower' to track who, specifically owns what, where on a global basis.

So 'monopolies' will flourish while governments are powerless to rein them in and the 'global economy' continues to suck pond water because the feckless few still have much more than THEY need, the rest of us can go twist in the wind! [Money...we're doing it WRONG!]

Your eyes have glazed over...most of you don't give a crap about this 'economics stuff', you just want somebody to 'fix' this broken system...worse, you DON'T CARE how they do it.


The hope is until after your DEAD...is that soon enough? WTF!

It ain't gonna change UNTIL YOU CHANGE IT!

In the mean time I suggest you buckle up, it's gonna be one hell of a bumpy ride!

It's gonna go sideways...the only question remaining is 'when'?

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Thursday, January 19, 2017

Civil rights?

Greetings good citizen, with 'hard line' conservatives being appointed at every cabinet post, the only question left unasked is 'What the hell did you expect?'

Hanging in the balance are your rights. Civil rights, what rights?

Understand good citizen, Civil rights aren't just for 'minorities', they're YOUR RIGHTS TOO!

While I've been on a 'mimic' tear the last few posts, how many of you have noticed the disturbing tendency to 'go along' with the, er, 'tantrums' of the 'defenders' of INJUSTICE? [If you follow the link you will find some very disturbing points of view attributed to the nominee for US Attorney General, Jeff Sessions. [R - Alabama]

Especially disturbing is his views on WHOSE COURT/JUDICIAL SYSTEM IS IT?

Because he's 'White like me' doesn't automatically make him on YOUR SIDE!

Look at the last Republican president, W. He stripped us of protection from usury [loan sharking] besides the beyond intrusive Patriot Act. What was the 'logic' behind that move?

Apparently homelessness.

And Barry neither re-instated usury legislation nor Glass-Stiegel for that matter and he didn't prosecute W & his boss Cheney for War Crimes! Still wondering what his 'legacy' is?

Is treason too strong a word? [Um, some think he committed treason just because he's not white but, truth be told he's 'whiter' on the inside than most of us. Just like what the Asians call their 'Americanized' counterparts, 'Twinkies', yellow on the outside but white on the inside!

Naturally, most of you are [not] aware of the 'honorary white' list, peoples who are 'considered white' even though they're not?

Never heard of that? Google is your friend! Look it up.

Besides being racist as all hell, truth be told all it did for the people this 'honor' was bestowed upon is mark them as traitors.

Ever notice that traitor goes hand in hand with 'treason'? Well, they both sprung from the same 'crime'. Problem is most 'HUMANS' think it's a crime ONLY if goes against people 'like them'.

So treason is (classically) a crime against YOUR OWN KIND! We're all human but the denizens of Richistan don't consider themselves part of 'our kind'. [No se habla 'hired help'...]

[Guess who is responsible for the term 'White Trash'? Ironically it as other poor (white) people PRETENDING to be 'better' than they actually were...]

So when they put the screws to us to the bulk of us, it's not 'treason' because none of their 'peers' are harmed.

Did I mention the folks running things are more than a little off in the head? They hold some downright disturbing beliefs...worse, they believe we think the SAME WAY because we're WHITE LIKE THEM! (understand, other than that our whiteness is NOTHING to them.)

Now, now, don't get discouraged. Just because some of us are nut bags doesn't mean YOU are! [Not that you need to be born with a silver whatever protruding from your [fill-in-the-blank.] Many 'pretend' they are 'better' than they really are out of sheer IGNORANCE!

One of life's rich comedies only the wise can appreciate. [Apparently the media is devoid of wisdom but we already knew that!]

We've come a long way tearing down racial barriers but the class barriers, those pesky rascals remain obstinate [truth be told, downright bulletproof!]

Will it take the complete removal of the now ancient order to relieve humanity of this antiquated thinking [where only the 'privileged' have rights?]

Face it good citizen, we are still living with remnants of the 'Dark Ages'.

Are you ready to sweep aside 'antiquated thinking' and embrace a world where we're all members of THE SAME TEAM?

No more US vs THEM.

It's possible but only if YOU think so.

Classically, this is where if you're not 'part of the solution' then you're PART OF THE PROBLEM! [If your 'whiteness' matters more to you than human decency then you have none!]

Examine Mr. Sessions words and if they resonate with you, you may soon sleep with the dinosaurs!

How does a man like that succeed in politics? Only the One Percent knows...

Time for them to 'go' too!

Will you fight for your children's right (since you no longer have any?)

If you have to scratch your head over that one you're already too far gone, go back to sleep...(and TRY to stay out of the way!) [If you can't figure that one out then you deserve what's coming.]

Note to the wise, civil rights are YOUR RIGHTS too!

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Back-up Plan

Greetings good citizen, it's news to no-one whos been around the block a time or two that most of us are but a single 'disaster' from penury.

Our parents always warned us to save for that inevitable 'rainy day'...but our parents were blessedly ignorant of the fact they'd need 2 million behind them to even consider retiring 'comfortably'.

Again, for the vast majority of us, that figure represents every penny we ever [legally] earned over our entire working career. [Who among you has lived on LOVE for forty-five years?]

How sad is it to ponder that only the well-born, ultra successful or criminals among us might be in possession of that much wealth?

Show of hands people! How many of you have taken the precaution of learning which flavor of [store brand, naturally] cat-food is tastiest?

Oh the joys of old age and living on a fixed income where eating pet food is the answer to the 'heat or eat' puzzle.

So it is that the charge of 'mis-management' is once again in the crosshairs because it's not about YOU, it's about THEM!

Sadder, people living on their cars are also faced with this 'choice' where we substitute paying rent for the price of the mailbox where their SSI/assistance checks are sent takes top priority and still nobody thinks we're doing this wrong...

How much more evidence do you need that we are 'ruled' by truly evil people? [Sing the refrain: "Hard to believe we need a place called Hell..."

Understand, this is not a 'lack of awareness' it is a psychopathic lack of caring that not only produces these outcomes but then commands it minions in the media to totally IGNORE the situation. [Although, truth be told, I did read another article, one of many, belaboring the obvious...most people have ZERO savings thanks to relentless price manipulations intended to do precisely that.

You CAN'T SAVE because you're barely making enough to live on...

So what's YOUR 'back-up plan' when something vital [like your car] suddenly requires major repairs? Insurance? Warranty? your already max'ed out credit cards?

What are you going to do when health facilities [a.k.a. hospitals] start pulling the 'no insurance, no service' BS?

Depending on how bad whatever sent you there in the first place is you might just want to join the growing pile of corpses on the curb.

Worse, when the bodies start piling up only then will anybody 'do something' [probably patently unfair to boot] because Tea-tards will start protesting the 'rationing' of healthcare that even THEY can't afford!

[Part-in-parcel with being neck-deep in stupid...unfortunately.]

But I digress, disasters come in all shapes and sizes and their unfortunate 'common denominator' is heartbreak.

How do we get a 'more equitable' deal?

Already told you...STRIKE! [WAR is NEVER the answer!] You can't hope to 'outgun' the armed and armored cops...[how many of you remember that cops in body armor came along BEFORE 9/11 but after 'Morning in America?'

How many of you are registered Independent but vote Republican? [Deduct 50 IQ points! You're officially a moron!]

You're not going to go 'toe to toe' with 'The Blue Wall' unless you resort to their tactics [which are get 'em while they're sleeping!]

You won't strike because you 'fear' strikebreakers BUT those crossing non-existent 'picket lines' can be easily dealt with. They don't have body armor nor are they armed. If any of them are stupid enough to fire on the enforcers of the strike, the only option for them and their family is Jonestown Kool Aid!

Too squeamish to end it yourself? The vigilantes will do it for you...but hanging from the neck until dead is a horrible death. You might want to re-consider the Kool-Aid.

Like driving, you have to 'protest' [NOT IN THE STREETS} like you MEAN IT! Zero tolerance for strike breaking and that goes double for 'denizens of the law'! They break the strike, they (and their families) pay the price.

When I say 'we're ALL in this TOGETHER, I mean ALL. You job doesn't exempt you from society. The STRIKE is intended to let EVERYBODY KNOW just where their allegedly 'divided' peers stand.

We are a society of 'mimics' once the, er, 'uncaring' see how much the 'disenfranchised' outnumber them by, it will be a 'no-brainer'.

But ya have to make the first move! No ticky, no washy! [Which is another way of saying without YOU there won't be a revolution that saves humanity...and without a revolt, humanity is DOOMED.]

If I keep leveling the heavy guns at you it's because in the end, it's all up to you.

United We STAND!

Divided, we perish!

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Rah, rah, sis-boom-bah!

Greetings good citizen, like a lot of things that roll off our backs, pretty much unnoticed, the relentless, ever-present 'cheerleading' is probably chief among them.

So it's more than a little ironic, depending on what rung of the economic ladder you've been stuck with, you end up asking yourself 'Again? When was it EVER?'

There is the 'pitchman's America' and then there's the place you wake up in every morning.

Most of us are convinced that if you're not 'desperate', America is the LAST place on the planet you want to be. If you WANT TO BE DESPERATE, you picked EXACTLY the right place because the world's finest 'desperadoes' live here!

Go ahead and tell me you don't wonder what the hell they're talking about when the 'pep boys/girls' start waxing poetic about this WONDERFUL nation of ours...[and oxymoron in itself...this ain't YOUR COUNTRY, you're just 'leasing space' while you're here. After you're gone and forgotten they're going to re-sell your cemetery plot!

Waste not, want not! [combined with 'f' em all and the dumb ones twice!]

If there's a buck to be had there are NO LIMITS to how LOW we'll stoop! [Making the fact that ALL money is FUNNY (as in counterfeit) that much more ironic...will the depravity ever end?]

Again, I paint our species in the dimmest of lights but defend you because you have been purposefully DELUDED by the same salesmen that take what you have and give you 'fluff' in return.

They don't refer to us as 'Sheep' for nothing. It is 'deserved'.

Thing is, we're NOT sheep! Gullible beyond belief, yeah but 'sheep'...only to the extent we habitually 'obey' herd behavior.

Actually it is the mimic part of our behavior that betrays us. If the other 'sheep/monkees' don't RUN, we won't either!

The bad news is by the time we figure out we SHOULD BE RUNNING it's already too late.

Worse, it is our own kind that deceives us, making the ruse that much more difficult to detect.

Did you ever wonder why 'treachery' [formally known as 'treason'] is a 'capitol crime' [carries the death penalty?]

The treacherous monkeys among us want you to believe 'treason' is restricted to 'betraying the State' but it really applies to BETRAYING YOUR OWN KIND!

Which is to say were we to dial it all the way back to the founders, they'd all have been hung several times over! [Once to kill them, the other six to make an example of 'em!]

I rage constantly at 'man's inhumanity to his fellow man' but [optimist/sucker] that I am, I also chalk this up to the 'exploiters' among us, the opportunists that take advantage of the 'trust' placed in them.

Which is why I devised A Simple Plan, it is 'designed' to be 'bulletproof' because EVERYBODY is a 'cop'.


Yeah, NOBODY is ABOVE THE LAW BECAUSE THEY ARE THE LAW! [Premise: much harder to engage in illicit behavior when EVERYBODY KNOWS what the law is!]

Do YOU know the law? Good citizen...only what you can't do without the long arm of the law slapping YOU down. [if you're rich enough the list of stuff you can't do gets real short!]

Safe bet that you DON'T even know your rights anymore, here in post 9/11 Richistan [Home of W's constituents, the HAVES and the HAVE MORE'S]...Miranda? Worthless. Habeus? Worthless. Equal protection? Worthless...and the list goes on. Hard to say, under the circumstances, if you have ANY remaining 'rights'.

Comply or Die, comprende?

[When I write 'worthless' I am saying they are routinely 'ignored' WITH IMPUNITY, The very judges you'd appeal to would lose their seats on the bench if they sided with you.]

So, why all the 'cheerleading'? Seems as though somebody is trying to 'cover up the stench' of something gone very bad.

Doesn't help that YOU keep turning your head, pretending not to notice...when the stink could knock a buzzard off a S*** Wagon!

But don't let that bother you, it's time to join the rest of the 'sheeple' and wrap yourself in the stars and bars, heart in hand, as we sing the National Anthem.

Go team USA, Land of the Free [the whole dozen or so of 'em] and the home of the terminally stupid...[for which their masters are eternally grateful!]

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Monday, January 16, 2017

Land of Broken Dreams

Greetings good citizen, despite the 'platitudes' of the tastemakers/opinion leaders and their ilk, the types that tell you 'you become what you believe' meaning people like ME who are always, er, 'negative' are that way because of our beliefs.

Like this is paradise and it's me who is 'imagining things'...

The saltpeter here is most of you think I am exaggerating UNTIL IT COMES HOME TO ROOST!

Only then do you suddenly consider that I might have a point. For my 'peers',[The 50 to 70 crowd] most of you look at your lives and think, could have been worse' (juxtaposed against the reality that things aren't even remotely like you planned they'd work out.) If there were a prize for falling short of the mark, you'd win.

Where are those nut-jobs that tell you, 'you become what you believe!' Now?

You are being manipulated good citizen. Part of the media's 'disinformation campaign' is convincing you your 'dissatisfaction' is caused by your 'lack of perspective.'

Things could be a lot worse (as you will soon see for yourself.)

While I crank about the baloney-boppers currently in charge, I am an advocate for positive change!

It's the cesspool the greed-heads have created that needs desperately to be addressed. I don't think I'd get much dissent when I opine that The Donald has yet to display even a fraction of the 'mental horsepower' necessary to tackle the task...even if I 'solve' the problem for him!

Simple equation, paychecks cut, expenses slashed as well. Housing and transportation must become 'freebies' and what work there is must be 'shared'.

See, didn't even work up a sweat doing that so it's not that the 'problems' are insoluble, the will to solve them doesn't exist!

How 'short-sighted' is that?

Here's an interesting question...how many of you find the idea that since we are [currently] the dominant species on this planet, the care of this planet becomes our responsibility?

Most of us would subscribe to such a belief.

With that as a given, what 'report card' would you provide to those currently charged with the task?

How many of you gave an F-minus?

If you won't fight to save your own helpless children, would you at least join the fight to save the planet from the 'exploiters'?

The battle ahead centers on our need to reproduce countered against the, er, 'diminished need' for more humans. If we fail to expand into space it is very likely we will 'extinguish ourselves.

One thing is certain [as hinted at in yesterday's piece titled 'Crossroads'] the current path leads to extinction.

Since the 'strongest' feature that makes co-operative civilization possible is trust, how will that trust be maintained knowing half of us are murderers you don't dare turn your back on?

Naturally, that's the last thing the media wants you pondering. Today's general 'prevailing opinion' is we belong to a society of murderous thieves...we might well think extinction isn't a bad thing. Only because the 'wrong type' [temporarily] have the upper hand.

We need to demonstrate to the, er, 'greenhouse orchids' [a.k.a. children raised in a bubble thanks to the ruthless acts of their parents] that they are NOT all that AND a bag of chips!

Can't keep breaking things, expecting them to fix themselves because society doesn't allow us that much 'wiggle room'.

Makes sense to me, the trick is getting it to make sense to you too!

Thanks once again for letting me inside YOUR head,


Sunday, January 15, 2017

The Crossroads

Greetings good citizen, I often tax your patience as well as your imagination (depending on how deeply 'rose tinted' your goggles are.

Once again 'the Futurist' reminds you that the past is never far behind us and if it happened even once it can happen AGAIN!


This, er, is government we have come to recognize [you don't think the people working for our president elect wouldn't give the same order? Make no mistake about it, this is a 'warning shot' across the bow of anyone with a notion of organizing resistance to the 'almost there' Nanny State.

In this 'protection at any cost' gambit, the government is enforcing it's 'comply or die' mandate given to it by it's overlords.

Many of us believe we have 'lost control' of the government. If you add one plus one, where does that leave us?

[If we don't control the government and the government takes a non-negotiation position there is but ONE possible outcome, comply or die.

I know many of you didn't see this coming but welcome to 'Morning in America'. The latest election was a steamroller intended to knock down any and all resistance to what comes next. [Sidebar: Didn't get my NY Times this morning, today's headline was lifted from the MSN homepage in a tiny 'blink and you'd miss it' post.] Pay no attention to the people [foolishly] marching in the streets, they are Haters who just want things 'their way'.

What will you think when it's your child, cut down by police for taking part in an 'illegal demonstration'? [all because his/her buddies were there...]

Will you grieve your child's senseless death or will you suddenly realize this is YOUR FAULT for not acting when you had a chance?

Understand, the 'War on Terra' will NOT end. Again, the only possible outcomes [under the comply or die rubric] are ALL terrorists will be 'eradicated' or civilization itself will collapse.

The latter may seem 'unlikely' to you but that is only because you are still equating 'terrorist = Muslim'...bad meme, Terrorist actually = Non-One Percenter...a.k.a. YOU, [comply or die mofo...do you get it now?]

All things being even we are already pretty far gone down the 'primrose path', the die is cast and we'll have the Devil's own breaking free of it.

Still, many of you will sit there with your hands in your laps, waiting for the worms to come.

Under the rubric of 'if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem'

The crossroads referred to in the title represent the decision facing us all. Do we rise up and restore our liberty or do we stand there with our hands in our pockets, piss and moaning about why the ballot box didn't give us 'better choices'.

Really wanna see how 'scroomed' we are? Wait until they unveil the candidates for 2020! Hillary will be pushing 75 by then but that won't stop her!

So well have a repeat on our hands. Hillary's 'dying gasp' and The Donald's improbable second term...(if he makes it that far.)

Grimmer still will be the 'running battles' in the streets between the 'armies of the unemployed' and too stupid to live cops. [Civilians against cops...even cops equipped with military hardware, isn't considered 'civil war' although it would be closer to the mark than just labeling it 'civil unrest'.

Will you fight?

Probably not.

Still, it's worth considering given this latest indication of where those who have seized control of what was originally established to keep them in check.

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Saturday, January 14, 2017

Are you who/what you think you are?

Greetings good citizen, most of us don't spend a lot of time in 'self-reflection' often referred to as 'navel gazing' [some people are obsessed with it but that's a different subject altogether.]

Many if not most are so wrapped up in living up to the expectations of others that we never even contemplate who WE really are.

Sort of a bummer considering we live in the world of I! Here you are, living YOUR life to someone else's standards!

Does it help to know you're just like Bozo because you 'admired' what he/she represents [remember, in YOUR head! It may not have been true at all!]

While we are all, um,(often insufferable) 'mimics' [we tend to imitate whatever strikes us as 'insert your current favorite adverb here'.] To make matters worse, this follows 'fads' or 'trends' so it's changing all the time as schizo's seize on their favorite new meme and try it on for size.

Here's one most of you NEVER 'try on' [mostly because you're clueless where to begin...] The 'base' is always and always will be HUMAN.


The glazed look in your eye tells me your asking why you read this far, well, Gegner rewards and YOU shall not be disappointed!

A tad 'dehumanizing' but each and every one of us 'reads' like a 'scorecard'. Start with a 'blank' human, give it a name, then tag it with a religion (or not as the trend suggests...most kids born after 9/11 don't get religious, er, training/indoctrination thanks to the stated cause of 9/11, religious extremism. [but I digress]

Are you still with me? Next we toss in an ideology. This starts off being whatever the parents belief system is but soon becomes whatever the Kool Kids are parroting on any given day.

Which is to point to a phenomenon that has been happening since the dawn of sentience, we LOVE to try on new things!

[Sidebar: How frightening is it that today's poorly socialized kids get their 'heroes' from video games? Worse, has anyone else noticed the rise in the er, 'adoration of bad guys'?]

While I point to the (disturbing) trend of people being [no candy coating it] 'dissatisfied' with who they are, we have/are becoming a society of chameleons!

Is it any wonder the media has reached the [obviously false] conclusion that we are 'divided'?

Ready for your 'reward'?

Here it is.

You [and EVERYBODY ELSE capable of putting on a 'pose'] ARE HUMAN FIRST!

No other 'label' applies. [Despite the 'artificially wealthy' sneering at you for not being as 'successful' a thief as they are] This is the 'MOTHER' of all 'posing'!

Where do YOU end and the 'pose' begin?

People who are 'comfortable in their own skin' don't bother with this exercise in 'void filling'.

I was prompted to craft this piece when I saw a news story last night regarding a student at MIT who was, er, dunno what they DID to him but they did take him downtown...and a random student they interviewed in connection with the discovery of an armory on campus.

The kid didn't look sure he knew he was MALE but right there on TV he apologized to the world for being A.) Republican and B.) being happy the 'Nanny State' intervened and removed the potential 'threat' to his fellow students.

So we arrive at the question...are you, YOU or are you the whatever you happen to admire this week?

How much of you are YOU and how much is Rin Tin-Tin? [and yeah, if you're under fifty-five you're gonna have to look that one up!]

Screwed up world? Small wonder, isn't it...

Thanks for letting me inside (one of) your head (s)


Friday, January 13, 2017

You know what day it is...

Greetings good citizen, no post today because a series of events have conspired to keep me AFK for pretty much the bulk of the day.

We can start with the procedure at the hospital, then my 'honey dew' projects for my wife, followed by a gig that lands me square in rush hour traffic on the worst night of the week.

[Sadly/ironically there's nothing 'unusual' about that and thankfully most of these people are familiar enough with the area that they know they aren't going anywhere, sparing me from having to dust off that old chestnut, 'Sorry Maam, they won't tell me where the button is that makes the car fly.']

If you caught the news it appears we just collided head-first with 'reality' as almost ALL of Trumps appointees have come out in opposition to the promises he made on the campaign trail that broke with 'Republican tradition'...

Who else thinks we're 'doing this wrong?'

Even when we elect one thing we end up with something else.

[Um, I'm that jerk that interjects, 'I didn't vote for him!' when everybody else is grumbling about those damn liberals and how they're always mucking things up!]

That said I can't resist the opportunity to DUMMY SLAP you all and remind you WHO caused this whole mess...Republicans, starting with the ACTOR who slept through 8 years in the White House, just like his most recent successor.

Anyway, Thanks for letting me inside your head, no post today.


Thursday, January 12, 2017

The 5 W's

Greetings good citizen, most of you are familiar with the 5 W's from the Disney film Gallagher, about a 'cub reporter' chasing leads into danger back at the turn of the last century...

Too young for that? Doesn't matter. The 5 w's are known to professional journalists everywhere, some clever son of a gun worked them into the theme song for this particular Disney flick...circa 1966 if you're having a hard time remembering...it's likely because you don't.

Who, what, when, where and why...followed/coupled with 'how'.

EVERY (good) news story touches all of these stones. Probably why we have a society where everybody walks around with half-baked ideas in their head, placed there by journalists that glossed over one of the five (actually six, but one of them doesn't start with W) critical factors

Depending on the type of story (or the creativity of the reporter) usually determines which of the five they 'lead' with.

If it's scandalous, they lead with 'Who'. If it's curious they lead with 'What'. If it's an issue (or a sermon) They lead with 'Why'...which is to point out that When and Where are often only supporting factors, things the reader wants to know but have little bearing on the information being imparted.

STOP! I know you've already come up with some 'excellent exceptions' to these 'guidelines' [How ironic the first rule of writing is the same as the first rule of fighting...and that is there are no rules!]

While the guidelines make for 'good writing' (reporting) good reading comes from the control and judicial use of 'exposition'.

Humans, having unnaturally short attention spans, like to get their info [given the current slant/emphasis on entertainment I hesitate to use the suffix 'mation' when it is more likely 'tainment'...creative fluff that is either trivial, false/only partially true or both.

That said, it is I who frequently laments not getting to the 'point' of these rants in the first couple of paragraphs.

Shall we walk through the 5 W's of my favorite hobby horse?

Let's start with 'Who', okay?

This is (naturally) a two-sided story, one of victims and perps. Since 'specifics' aren't available we will have to use 'generalizations' as writers often do, using terms like the Haves and the Have Nots; although for this particular exercise I prefer 'Citizens' (most of you) and Criminals (the One Percent and their legion of lackeys.)

We can do this in almost any order so I'll knock out 'where & when' in a single statement, 'here and now'.

This clears the path for What, another multi-parter. Depending on where you're sitting it's either our messed up and stubbornly immutable political apparatus OR it's the obvious mismanagement that plagues our society from top to bottom.

Even the rich know they have 'more than they can spend' Why doesn't it occur to them to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT?

Money sitting in bank accounts collecting nothing is doing them zero good yet, inexplicably, we have MILLIONS of homeless nationally and billions worldwide.

What's causing it? Is it 'politics' or 'mismanagement' [attributable to colossal STUPIDITY!] One thing's for sure, it's not 'invisible', EVERYONE can see it.

Never occurs to the 'blessed' that the afflicted, freezing and starving in squalor, look upon the idle untold riches of the, er, [fill-in-the-blank] and ask 'Why'?

It would take but a tiny bit to relieve the suffering of the destitute but those managing our society 'feel' (nobody accuses this bunch of THINKING) it's 'better' to keep 'em hungry. That way they'll be more 'agreeable' when a short term gig comes along.

The 'insecurity' of our 'hand to mouth' existence has become commonplace, just look at the Heck's, America's new 'average family' being parodied in a sitcom.

I suspect one of the thing that makes the show so popular is most people can 'relate' to it.

Now I'll ask YOU WHAT that says about our [badly mismanaged] society?

Almost done, the only thing left is HOW...

To which I redirect your flagging attention to the question each of us must answer upon opening our eyes each and every day.

'How will I live?'

Do you mentally hit the 'autoplay button in your head and rock out to the tune 'let the bodies hit the floor' as you shuffle into the kitchen to brew a pot of go-juice?

Or do you hope it ain't too cold (or warm) to go 'dumpster diving'?

Oh, you've got a steady gig? Well, that makes things simple...but honestly, how many times do you get up in the morning wondering if the rumors are true? [The one that seems to NEVER leave ANY workplace, ever, the one that says 'they're going to have a lay-off on Friday!'

You know your continued 'well-being' relies on being invited back to play again tomorrow.

Now let me ask you, honestly. Is this any way to live?

Short answer...[hint, it's shorter than yes.]

The 5 W's good citizen, think about it!

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

On Message

Greetings good citizen, I'm sure most of you 'tuned out' when the exiting president issued his farewell speech last night. You'd think he have something to say considering he's as much a part of the reason why his 'make believe party' got trounced in the recent elections but no.

He spent his fading moments in the spotlight pedaling the same 'tripe' that landed him the presidency, the 'audacity of hope'.

Think about that good citizen. He wrote a book that shares this, er, 'mission statement'.

Audacity means daring and if there is one thing we learned, it is that 'audacity' is NEVER well received.

Let's look at this a little more closely. Is it 'dare to be brave'? No. It means how dare you be so STUPID to 'hope for change', never mind 'change you can believe in'! How deluded are you?

Wait good citizen, it gets better because if you were paying attention we got clobbered with both sides of the political mallet! First, this [national impasse] is all 'our fault' for not paying enough 'attention to the facts'...in essence claiming we 'voted wrong' when the system itself is to blame.

[Said the guy that twiddled his thumbs for eight years while criminals walked all over us!]

Second, it is also 'our fault' for not seizing control of the political process and 'being the change' we'd like to see!

Does numb-numb not realize we can't ALL be elected?

Worse, facing reality the problem isn't the chicken-shit politicians, it's the 'process' THAT EXISTS TO DENY YOU CHOICE that is the source of the problem!

UNDERSTAND we will NEVER see changes to the political process [until a dictator steps up to the plate and then it could be centuries before the opportunity to be free from tyranny presents itself again...(so deep does stupid run in our species!)]

YOUR HANDS ARE TIED. WHOEVER 'OWNS' the media gets to tell YOU what reality is!

A very small group owns pretty much everything and by extension, they also own YOU.

UNTIL THIS CHANGES [Human Anti-Exploitation Law anyone?] NOTHING ELSE WILL!

You'll be born into debt and die in debt so the few can be rich...until the system itself collapses under its own weight.

How frustrating is it good citizen that the existing system has enough 'inertia' to rebuild itself and start all over again?

Even now, the calls for revolt are not calls for 'change'. The 'right wing extremists' want 'what the founders intended' [like anybody has a clue!] with THEM in charge.

One of the 'founding principles' of the people who set up our current form of government was "Let those who own the land, rule the land!"

Quote, unquote John Jay. Look it up!

The media confirms we 'elected' the guy that spent the past eight years twiddling his thumbs doing NONE of the things we elected him to do...such as REPEAL THE PATRIOT ACT, PROSECUTE THE BANKSTERS, PROSECUTE AND JAIL/EXECUTE THE WAR CRIMINALS, REINSTATE GLASS STEAGAL AND INSTITUTE 'SINGLE PAYER' HEALTHCARE!

He did none of those things BECAUSE 'the people who 'own' this land didn't want him to...'

Wake up and smell the Napalm, good citizen, this isn't about you, it's about THEM and what THEY want!

Not a 'great idea' regardless of how you pretend to 'candy coat it.'

We're all in this together...and the ones who are 'in it for themselves' need to be tossed overboard,[EXILE] pronto!

No trial or hearings, they made their choices and now they're going to have to live with them!

You know what comes next, have at it!

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Police Procedural

Greetings good citizen, today we find the curious incident of a shoplifting suspect, handcuffed in the back of a police cruiser, still managed to shoot himself TO DEATH with his own gun!

AFTER an officer reads you your Miranda rights (although not necessarily AFTER. Once they decide you're headed downtown, they FRISK you...you know, not for a cheap sexual thrill but to ascertain if you have a concealed weapon.

Again, from the looks of it, seems the officer tasked with driving the suspect downtown WASN'T one of the arresting officers.

Even the article goes on to speculate it would have been an entirely different story had the, er, 'suspect' turned his weapon on the driver of the police vehicle...

Apparently this guy wasn't clear on the concept of 'suicide by cop'. You have to provide the officer with a clear cut reason to shoot you as opposed to shooting yourself in their presence.

Sure, this guy definitely made big trouble for the moron that 'forgot' to frisk the perp before tossing him into the back of an unsuspecting co-worker's patrol car but it's 'too little too late' for our SHOPLIFTER.

Which leads us to what, good citizen? A truth that is rarely raised on the media advertised 'blood-soaked streets' of Anytown, USA.

And this incident took place in TEXAS! (Where everyone thinks even your Grandma packs heat!)

What small factoid does the media overlook (religiously?)

From the way the NUTS carry on about it, you'd think the gentleman's checklist included the line 'magnum autoloader', that we are all packing (unless we're going swimming. There's no place to hide it in your swimsuit and you can't leave the damn thing on the beach, the kids will play Marco - Blam with it!)

Our errant officer, trained from the beginning to treat EVERYONE as 'armed and dangerous', must have slipped into 'fire horse mode' because 99% of the time the people they regularly encounter, even petty thieves like our now deceased shoplifter, DON'T subject themselves to the 'hassle' of lugging a shooting iron around with them.

Part of our personal 'mental health' is provided by the knowledge that MOST PEOPLE don't subject themselves to the 'inconvenience' of having to babysit a weapon just to run down the street for a moment.

Then there's the 'what if something happens' question? What if you're involved in a wreck and the first responders learn/see that you are armed?

Could their 'hesitation' cost you your life? Somewhat ironic but a very real concern.

What am I saying here? Most people aren't armed so this somewhat rare incident is precisely that, rare! I originally clicked on the article thinking [from the headline] that it was yet another incident of blatant police brutality but my 'bloodlust' wasn't rewarded.

Being found shot to death, HANDCUFFED in the back of a police car USUALLY leads to an entirely different story, we are, after all, neck deep in stupid around here...rivaled only by a 'vicious streak' ten miles wide.

Which should serve as a reminder to us all, our more than somewhat lazy troupe of simian opportunists should ALWAYS be considered, armed or not, DANGEROUS.

How does that song go? "I don't need a gun"...and how right they are, most of us don't.

Pity the fool that mis-underestimates us!

Still the bought and paid for media paints a picture that you'll encounter a dozen armed and dangerous 'desperados' between your home and the local supermarket.

What the pencil-necks don't tell you is your local bank is a refuge for desperados...not so much at the tellers window but their corporate headquarters. That's someplace you don't want to venture without your body armor [the one with the titanium alloyed cod-piece!]

The 'Shadow Armies' in the nation's 'murder capitals' are something else altogether and reflect upon our badly broken social system [odd if viewed from the 'winners and losers' standpoint, the 'system' works 'as designed'.

Which is to once again opine that if you're seeking 'change' the ballot box isn't where you'll find it.

I keep edging back towards the monetary crisis hinted at in yesterday's post BECAUSE it is the 'easiest' way to, er, 'destabilize' society.

Today's post illustrates how things AREN'T 'as advertised' and the media's complicity in pushing mankind off of its fragile perch.

We need only find a mirror to locate our own 'worst enemy'.

Isn't it time we united for a better planet?

Thanks for letting me inside YOUR head!


Monday, January 9, 2017

Flip Flop (or it's OK if you're a Republican!)

Greetings good citizen, the latest on the financial front is, son of a gun, turns out Mother Nature ISN'T demanding the budget be balanced after all! [Now that the Rethugs have regained control of both houses and the presidency again.]

Geez, who else has been carrying on about 'all money is funny'?

Oh, that would be ME!

Understand, MONEY as it is currently 'mismanaged' could turn into confetti, pretty much instantly, [if they keep up the crap.]

Like all 'cons', money is heavily reliant on 'confidence'. Erode that confidence and suddenly you have a 'panic' on your hands.

Not encouraging words considering we have a society run by morons and led by idiots.

A situation made worse because it's all a 'con'. If there is such a thing as 'too much truth', what 'EVERYBODY KNOWS' is made that much more frightening because everybody knows but almost nobody realizes it's TRUE! [That you're being played for a chump!]

We all 'think' we're wise but like the old adage goes, none are so blind as those who 'believe they are free'.

Imagine good citizen, your 'freedom' is being stripped from you under the banner of 'public safety' but who will keep us safe from our 'protectors'?

Two names spring to mind, Mister Smith and his partner, Mister Wesson. This assumes YOU possess the, er, 'intestinal fortitude' to do the necessary when our protectors turn their gaze in your direction as they try to preform their perceived 'duty' [as zealously as they can.]

In manufacturing we used to call this phenomenon 'inspect to reject'...we all know full well the same phenomenon exists when it comes to 'law enforcement' and that standard is 'inspect to arrest'.

That's why the boob that pulls you over because you have a burnt out brake light has his hand on the butt of his sidearm like you're one of the FBI's ten most wanted!

What does overzealous policing and the impending collapse of our currency have to do with one another?

Since both are 'cons' [newsflash: they aren't cracking down to keep YOU safe, they're cracking down so their overlords will be 'safe'. YOU they're trying to kill before they have to fight us off 'enmass' in a revolt/panic.

Yes, good citizen, what you have long suspected is true...just as the mathematically impossible Republican victories are also 'fabricated' [for your further confusion/delusion.]

EVERYTHING makes perfect sense if you apply the most jaded perception you can imagine.

Because THAT'S WHO IS RUNNING THNGS, good citizen. People that HONESTLY BELIEVE YOU are a WASTE of perfectly good butt-wipe! [Oxygen too, while we're on the subject!]

Did we 'elect' these people? No, their 'power' comes from political appointees, that most dangerous of all, er, 'predators'.

How do we rid ourselves of them?

There is but one way...PURGE!

The 'good thing' is this won't 'cost' us a cent. It [figuratively speaking] cost a ton to 'insert' these wastrels into the process but removing them will be painless [for us anyway.]

This also provides the foundation for my case to 'replace' our entire form of government. The whole process of 'electing others' to make decisions in our name without ever consulting us is plain batshit crazy!

It only 'works' for those who 'pull the strings' from the shadows.

Let's end 'political gridlock' by voting directly on the laws themselves! If we must live under the law we should have a say in what they set forth!

AND all proposed legislation must first pass muster with the Human Anti-Exploitation Law.

I shouldn't digress like that but coming as it does, on the heels of yesterday's tirade about unemployment and our youth's stolen future, we truly are 'neck deep in stupid around here!'

Um, if you haven't yet, I highly recommend you READ today's headlines...especially the article about Jeff Sessions for an eye opening look at how 'Great' America is about to become.

Who thought appointing a man who thinks our badly broken judicial system isn't executing enough people fast enough would be a 'good pick' for US Attorney General

[Does anyone else wonder why I'd abolish the entire professional practice of law? Shouldn't have a 'price tag' on it and, by the way, the law BY NECESSITY shouldn't be 'complicated'.

Failure to understand the law brings into to question if the law passes the 'just' test. How can it be 'just' if the average person doesn't understand it?

We could try simple laws for the simple people and NO LAWS for the 'smart' people because they'll just figure out a way around them anyway...

Now try that using the Anti-Exploitation Law. Can't do it, can you?

How sad is it we'd advance our species considerably by just implementing those two changes. Abolish lawyers and make every law pass the human anti-exploitation test.

What a wonderful world it could be!

Sadder still is the fact we have a better chance of meeting fictional 'Spirit in the Sky' than we do of EVER seeing that happen!

Welcome to Hell, good citizen!

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,
