Greetings good citizen, Once upon a time today would be considered the final workday of 2016 but the modern gig economy has forever changed that, quite literally rolling back the economic clock a century for a majority of the population. [coupled with the limping 24/7 'service economy', old notions of it being a '9 to 5' world seems almost quaint, doesn't it?]
The thing 'for your consideration' here is how someone even twenty years my junior wouldn't even notice how the 'job market' has changed...and continues to change.
I keep calling for a strike but many of you wonder how that can be effective under today's literal 'hand to mouth' existence?
This is the time of year when we look back at the past twelve months and ask ourselves (like it were up to us) how we can make the next twelve...better.
Understand good citizen, if you don't face reality then you'll NEVER succeed in improving YOUR circumstances.
Reality number one is do you think you can do it alone? Are you currently working on a scheme to, er, 'appropriate' hundreds of millions of dollars worth of gold for yourself then magically vanish into your own private slave empire?
Some of us have pretty grandiose dreams but most of us are more 'practical' than that. Many of us 'dream' of a new pair of comfortable shoes (that don't have holes in them!) While settling for the somewhat less than comfortable but nevertheless, 'intact' el cheapos that get the job done.
But I digress...albeit, not by a lot. If we only look at the year just passed we don't get the 'full picture' of how the wicked have stolen our children's future [again.]
It is important to point out that the opportunists among us did what they did largely because they could more so than out of maliciousness...although it is debatable where the line between 'lack of empathy' and the 'enjoyment of the suffering of others' kicks in.
Yardstick number one for 99% of you is whether or not your bottom line 'held'. Most of you have given up on doing 'better' than the previous year (because the lying liars keep telling us how the economy is sucking pond water...while the stock market continues to climb...inexplicably!)
Understand, as evidenced by the progeny still living under your roof is an economy where 'getting ahead' [nevermind getting out on your own] is a 'non-starter'.
This is the responsibility of those 'managing' the current voo-doo based economy...a zombie economy where you pretend to work and they pretend to pay you.
Just like they USED TO DESCRIBE COMMUNISM! [Isn't that hilarious??? Ironically, people who wouldn't know a pinko from a wingnut don't have a clue what they're looking at! [Sadly, stupid truly is permanent.]
ZIRP [with no end in sight] (zero interest rate policies...for those of you who can't remember acronyms) coupled with no place to invest, coupled with reckless automation (although I'm all for eliminating 'drudgery' wherever its found!) The elimination of jobs without a corresponding reduction in expense is destroying the value of currency!
Money is in fact 'meaningless' but it is also a dangerous tool to 'abuse'. It IS destroying the civilization we rely on just as it has destroyed all of the civilizations prior to this one! [THOSE WHO FAIL TO LEARN THE LESSONS OF HISTORY ARE DOOMED TO REPEAT THEM!]
So, captain...what course will you take to insure a more prosperous future for you and yours?
NOW you want to play the 'it ain't up to me' card!!!
Seems not to matter whether or not you believe your 'sitting pretty' or 'trapped like a rat', either way you have 'no place to turn' [which combines run & hide!]
Even those who think they are too clever by half are riding on a sinking ship in the middle of an ocean of lava. You can't swim or even float long enough to make landfall.
See what I mean by facing reality? If you don't know how the cards are arranged, your playing blind...which means what, good citizen?
Repeat after me, YOU LOSE!
I know most of you are thinking 'Cards? What cards?' and you'd be right [not necessarily a comforting thought when you understand what this means. You're holding the 'wrong end of the stick'...the one they use to stir the shit pot with] and what's all over your hands is your 'reward' for being such a PUSHOVER!
This could be one long ass post if we take the 'long way home' so we'll 'abbreviate' and hope most of you are smart enough to fill in the blanks.
You know the whole 'electoral process' only exists to provide you with the illusion that circumstances you have nothing to do with are YOUR FAULT.
After all, the current logic is 'you voted for the bum!' [so this is all YOUR FAULT! Where were the conservo-whackos when their boy-child bankrupted the planet's banking system? Was that THEIR FAULT?]
More suspiciously, why didn't Hill-Billy use that to club her opponent to death with? Didn't occur to her or would have it come off as 'insincere' considering she chose to run as Wall Street's darling?
Don't look now good citizen but this whole disaster BEGAN with a Republican controlled Congress and a Republican president.
A folly that is destined to be repeated in three short weeks...and this time the president elect isn't a 'theatrically trained' actor. The Donald doesn't do 'scripts' [but he had best pick it up real fast or he'll join the ranks of those 'martyred' to the oligarch's cause.]
So 'disaster awaits'...soon the question won't be 'what, precisely' will make America 'great...again' but what the F*** were those idiots thinking? [and in this case that ire will be directed at the Electoral College, our 'political appointees' who were supposed to save us from precisely such an outcome!]
Ironically neither here nor there, good citizen.
The stage has been set not for more electoral/political wrangling but for 'the final solution'. You won't get this from Moore, Mahar or Maddow...[does anyone else see a pattern here?] We have gone past the stage where anybody with access to a pulpit hasn't been carefully vetted by those who intend to flush civilization {a mournful loss to be sure but how else do we get rid of all of those troublemakers that think they deserve a 'fair shake'?}
I don't know how much blacker the picture has to get for you to wake up to the fact that you and your parents before you have been taken for a ride [by a gang of serial killers!]
Your survival isn't miraculous because your FUTURE was extinguished decades ago...when the self-interested opened the doors to China and blew the global economy to pieces!
Okay, that was a snap...we're done for this year. I'll destroy your mind if I keep going because you really can't 'handle the truth'.
This was NOT China's fault...the capitalist did this and they didn't do it FOR us, they did it TO us!
Thanks once again for letting me inside your head.
I know 'sorry' doesn't excuse the fact that I keep wrecking the place but somebody has to do it...
Happy New Years, enjoy it while you can! [Seriously, party like it's 1999!]
The thing 'for your consideration' here is how someone even twenty years my junior wouldn't even notice how the 'job market' has changed...and continues to change.
I keep calling for a strike but many of you wonder how that can be effective under today's literal 'hand to mouth' existence?
This is the time of year when we look back at the past twelve months and ask ourselves (like it were up to us) how we can make the next twelve...better.
Understand good citizen, if you don't face reality then you'll NEVER succeed in improving YOUR circumstances.
Reality number one is do you think you can do it alone? Are you currently working on a scheme to, er, 'appropriate' hundreds of millions of dollars worth of gold for yourself then magically vanish into your own private slave empire?
Some of us have pretty grandiose dreams but most of us are more 'practical' than that. Many of us 'dream' of a new pair of comfortable shoes (that don't have holes in them!) While settling for the somewhat less than comfortable but nevertheless, 'intact' el cheapos that get the job done.
But I digress...albeit, not by a lot. If we only look at the year just passed we don't get the 'full picture' of how the wicked have stolen our children's future [again.]
It is important to point out that the opportunists among us did what they did largely because they could more so than out of maliciousness...although it is debatable where the line between 'lack of empathy' and the 'enjoyment of the suffering of others' kicks in.
Yardstick number one for 99% of you is whether or not your bottom line 'held'. Most of you have given up on doing 'better' than the previous year (because the lying liars keep telling us how the economy is sucking pond water...while the stock market continues to climb...inexplicably!)
Understand, as evidenced by the progeny still living under your roof is an economy where 'getting ahead' [nevermind getting out on your own] is a 'non-starter'.
This is the responsibility of those 'managing' the current voo-doo based economy...a zombie economy where you pretend to work and they pretend to pay you.
Just like they USED TO DESCRIBE COMMUNISM! [Isn't that hilarious??? Ironically, people who wouldn't know a pinko from a wingnut don't have a clue what they're looking at! [Sadly, stupid truly is permanent.]
ZIRP [with no end in sight] (zero interest rate policies...for those of you who can't remember acronyms) coupled with no place to invest, coupled with reckless automation (although I'm all for eliminating 'drudgery' wherever its found!) The elimination of jobs without a corresponding reduction in expense is destroying the value of currency!
Money is in fact 'meaningless' but it is also a dangerous tool to 'abuse'. It IS destroying the civilization we rely on just as it has destroyed all of the civilizations prior to this one! [THOSE WHO FAIL TO LEARN THE LESSONS OF HISTORY ARE DOOMED TO REPEAT THEM!]
So, captain...what course will you take to insure a more prosperous future for you and yours?
NOW you want to play the 'it ain't up to me' card!!!
Seems not to matter whether or not you believe your 'sitting pretty' or 'trapped like a rat', either way you have 'no place to turn' [which combines run & hide!]
Even those who think they are too clever by half are riding on a sinking ship in the middle of an ocean of lava. You can't swim or even float long enough to make landfall.
See what I mean by facing reality? If you don't know how the cards are arranged, your playing blind...which means what, good citizen?
Repeat after me, YOU LOSE!
I know most of you are thinking 'Cards? What cards?' and you'd be right [not necessarily a comforting thought when you understand what this means. You're holding the 'wrong end of the stick'...the one they use to stir the shit pot with] and what's all over your hands is your 'reward' for being such a PUSHOVER!
This could be one long ass post if we take the 'long way home' so we'll 'abbreviate' and hope most of you are smart enough to fill in the blanks.
You know the whole 'electoral process' only exists to provide you with the illusion that circumstances you have nothing to do with are YOUR FAULT.
After all, the current logic is 'you voted for the bum!' [so this is all YOUR FAULT! Where were the conservo-whackos when their boy-child bankrupted the planet's banking system? Was that THEIR FAULT?]
More suspiciously, why didn't Hill-Billy use that to club her opponent to death with? Didn't occur to her or would have it come off as 'insincere' considering she chose to run as Wall Street's darling?
Don't look now good citizen but this whole disaster BEGAN with a Republican controlled Congress and a Republican president.
A folly that is destined to be repeated in three short weeks...and this time the president elect isn't a 'theatrically trained' actor. The Donald doesn't do 'scripts' [but he had best pick it up real fast or he'll join the ranks of those 'martyred' to the oligarch's cause.]
So 'disaster awaits'...soon the question won't be 'what, precisely' will make America 'great...again' but what the F*** were those idiots thinking? [and in this case that ire will be directed at the Electoral College, our 'political appointees' who were supposed to save us from precisely such an outcome!]
Ironically neither here nor there, good citizen.
The stage has been set not for more electoral/political wrangling but for 'the final solution'. You won't get this from Moore, Mahar or Maddow...[does anyone else see a pattern here?] We have gone past the stage where anybody with access to a pulpit hasn't been carefully vetted by those who intend to flush civilization {a mournful loss to be sure but how else do we get rid of all of those troublemakers that think they deserve a 'fair shake'?}
I don't know how much blacker the picture has to get for you to wake up to the fact that you and your parents before you have been taken for a ride [by a gang of serial killers!]
Your survival isn't miraculous because your FUTURE was extinguished decades ago...when the self-interested opened the doors to China and blew the global economy to pieces!
Okay, that was a snap...we're done for this year. I'll destroy your mind if I keep going because you really can't 'handle the truth'.
This was NOT China's fault...the capitalist did this and they didn't do it FOR us, they did it TO us!
Thanks once again for letting me inside your head.
I know 'sorry' doesn't excuse the fact that I keep wrecking the place but somebody has to do it...
Happy New Years, enjoy it while you can! [Seriously, party like it's 1999!]