Friday, December 30, 2016

Reflections on 2016

Greetings good citizen, Once upon a time today would be considered the final workday of 2016 but the modern gig economy has forever changed that, quite literally rolling back the economic clock a century for a majority of the population. [coupled with the limping 24/7 'service economy', old notions of it being a '9 to 5' world seems almost quaint, doesn't it?]

The thing 'for your consideration' here is how someone even twenty years my junior wouldn't even notice how the 'job market' has changed...and continues to change.

I keep calling for a strike but many of you wonder how that can be effective under today's literal 'hand to mouth' existence?

This is the time of year when we look back at the past twelve months and ask ourselves (like it were up to us) how we can make the next twelve...better.

Understand good citizen, if you don't face reality then you'll NEVER succeed in improving YOUR circumstances.

Reality number one is do you think you can do it alone? Are you currently working on a scheme to, er, 'appropriate' hundreds of millions of dollars worth of gold for yourself then magically vanish into your own private slave empire?

Some of us have pretty grandiose dreams but most of us are more 'practical' than that. Many of us 'dream' of a new pair of comfortable shoes (that don't have holes in them!) While settling for the somewhat less than comfortable but nevertheless, 'intact' el cheapos that get the job done.

But I digress...albeit, not by a lot. If we only look at the year just passed we don't get the 'full picture' of how the wicked have stolen our children's future [again.]

It is important to point out that the opportunists among us did what they did largely because they could more so than out of maliciousness...although it is debatable where the line between 'lack of empathy' and the 'enjoyment of the suffering of others' kicks in.

Yardstick number one for 99% of you is whether or not your bottom line 'held'. Most of you have given up on doing 'better' than the previous year (because the lying liars keep telling us how the economy is sucking pond water...while the stock market continues to climb...inexplicably!)

Understand, as evidenced by the progeny still living under your roof is an economy where 'getting ahead' [nevermind getting out on your own] is a 'non-starter'.

This is the responsibility of those 'managing' the current voo-doo based economy...a zombie economy where you pretend to work and they pretend to pay you.

Just like they USED TO DESCRIBE COMMUNISM! [Isn't that hilarious??? Ironically, people who wouldn't know a pinko from a wingnut don't have a clue what they're looking at! [Sadly, stupid truly is permanent.]

ZIRP [with no end in sight] (zero interest rate policies...for those of you who can't remember acronyms) coupled with no place to invest, coupled with reckless automation (although I'm all for eliminating 'drudgery' wherever its found!) The elimination of jobs without a corresponding reduction in expense is destroying the value of currency!

Money is in fact 'meaningless' but it is also a dangerous tool to 'abuse'. It IS destroying the civilization we rely on just as it has destroyed all of the civilizations prior to this one! [THOSE WHO FAIL TO LEARN THE LESSONS OF HISTORY ARE DOOMED TO REPEAT THEM!]

So, captain...what course will you take to insure a more prosperous future for you and yours?

NOW you want to play the 'it ain't up to me' card!!!

Seems not to matter whether or not you believe your 'sitting pretty' or 'trapped like a rat', either way you have 'no place to turn' [which combines run & hide!]

Even those who think they are too clever by half are riding on a sinking ship in the middle of an ocean of lava. You can't swim or even float long enough to make landfall.

See what I mean by facing reality? If you don't know how the cards are arranged, your playing blind...which means what, good citizen?

Repeat after me, YOU LOSE!

I know most of you are thinking 'Cards? What cards?' and you'd be right [not necessarily a comforting thought when you understand what this means. You're holding the 'wrong end of the stick'...the one they use to stir the shit pot with] and what's all over your hands is your 'reward' for being such a PUSHOVER!

This could be one long ass post if we take the 'long way home' so we'll 'abbreviate' and hope most of you are smart enough to fill in the blanks.

You know the whole 'electoral process' only exists to provide you with the illusion that circumstances you have nothing to do with are YOUR FAULT.

After all, the current logic is 'you voted for the bum!' [so this is all YOUR FAULT! Where were the conservo-whackos when their boy-child bankrupted the planet's banking system? Was that THEIR FAULT?]

More suspiciously, why didn't Hill-Billy use that to club her opponent to death with? Didn't occur to her or would have it come off as 'insincere' considering she chose to run as Wall Street's darling?

Don't look now good citizen but this whole disaster BEGAN with a Republican controlled Congress and a Republican president.

A folly that is destined to be repeated in three short weeks...and this time the president elect isn't a 'theatrically trained' actor. The Donald doesn't do 'scripts' [but he had best pick it up real fast or he'll join the ranks of those 'martyred' to the oligarch's cause.]

So 'disaster awaits'...soon the question won't be 'what, precisely' will make America 'great...again' but what the F*** were those idiots thinking? [and in this case that ire will be directed at the Electoral College, our 'political appointees' who were supposed to save us from precisely such an outcome!]

Ironically neither here nor there, good citizen.

The stage has been set not for more electoral/political wrangling but for 'the final solution'. You won't get this from Moore, Mahar or Maddow...[does anyone else see a pattern here?] We have gone past the stage where anybody with access to a pulpit hasn't been carefully vetted by those who intend to flush civilization {a mournful loss to be sure but how else do we get rid of all of those troublemakers that think they deserve a 'fair shake'?}

I don't know how much blacker the picture has to get for you to wake up to the fact that you and your parents before you have been taken for a ride [by a gang of serial killers!]

Your survival isn't miraculous because your FUTURE was extinguished decades ago...when the self-interested opened the doors to China and blew the global economy to pieces!

Okay, that was a snap...we're done for this year. I'll destroy your mind if I keep going because you really can't 'handle the truth'.

This was NOT China's fault...the capitalist did this and they didn't do it FOR us, they did it TO us!

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head.

I know 'sorry' doesn't excuse the fact that I keep wrecking the place but somebody has to do it...

Happy New Years, enjoy it while you can! [Seriously, party like it's 1999!]


Thursday, December 29, 2016

Economics 101

Greetings good citizen, once upon a time I was quite fond of providing these little 'primers' for your consideration. Sadly, upon reflection, such pieces are so tedious they are a waste of time...BUT because NONE OF YOU were taught 'how the world (really) works' they are necessary.

MOST of the crap you are, er, 'tricked' into buying you DON'T need and the stuff you must have is, amazingly, considered 'irrelevant' by today's idiot commercial interests.

Probably starting a little too far back for most of you but, like pretty much everything else if you don't start at the beginning, too much bullshit fills in the blanks and, inexplicably, nobody can explain where the BS came from.

Thanks to a sex obsessed media we all think we're here to 'boink our brains out' [funny in itself because it ASSUMES half of you have any brains at all!] but NO, mission number one for every living organism is FOOD! Without food the rest is elementary!

You don't get up in the morning looking for something to screw, you get up each day looking for something to EAT!

This is SO OBVIOUS that it is assumed you can figure it out for yourself...but NO!

In your defense, humans are easily 'distracted' and, more disturbingly, to a moron, an idiot is a it is we believe incredibly stupid stuff!

Worse, stick that idiot in a suit and put it on TV and suddenly everybody is accepting whatever comes out of their mouth as gospel...after all, the media CAN'T lie to us! Uncle Sam would throw them in jail or God would strike them dead with lightening, right before your astonished eyes or something...

No mystery/revelation good citizen...the further things go off the rails, the deeper we sink into STUPID


Today's post is the result of watching MSNBC last night, where 'infotainment's' topic was 'FOOD STAMP FRAUD'.

The same crowd responsible for hoodwinking people into thinking MONEY was life's 'primary objective' nurture this 'fantasy' so people will not focus on their predations.

People who pedal the MONEY IS ALL MYTH are ROBBING YOU!

But again I belabor the obvious. So why am I telling you this?

You already know but DO YOU?

IF YOU DID the world wouldn't be like it is...would it?

Got ya!

So I'm watching the show and the 'rational guy' is explaining the conservative 'straw-man argument' that Food Stamps are a 'waste'. He even pointed the gun at the long dead St. Ronnie [Reagan, for those of you too young to catch the reference] and his nebulous claims about 'strapping young bucks' using food stamps to dine on 'choice cuts of beef' back in the days when food stamps literally said on their face SPECIFICALLY what they could be used to purchase.

I know, been there, done that. If you've never seen a food stamp then you wouldn't know!

But we circle back to the idiot in a suit on TV...and God didn't strike them dead NOR DID THE FCC yank their license! for LYING TO THE PUBLIC WHOSE INTERESTS THEY ARE SPECIFICALLY *LIABLE TO PROTECT! (*liable as in legally culpable.)

Again, 'advertisers' get what they want, you can go twist in the wind!

What's the difference between lying and advertising? Well, you PAY to advertise!

How ironic we could literally interpret advertising as lying with money...a lie in itself! [Thanks to ADVERTISING!]

A circle within a square forming another circle! How about that...stupid.

The media tells us the public spent a trillion dollars on the holidays...a number that is undoubtedly worldwide and includes ALL 'faiths'...and is probably as 'credible' as any one of them...

I'll stop beating around the bush but I think your steady diet of BS prevents you from comprehending what I'm teaching.

Food is the 'edge of the spear' it trumps all others, potable water is second (atmosphere is a given but only because they haven't screwed it up enough to charge you for what is now free...although they're working on it!)

Shelter is third, important enough to make you pay for, just as you do with food and water. It won't be long before we forget that water USED TO BE 'free' fact it won't be long before we forget what 'free' is, so rabid has capitalism become.

Reality check, food either IS or it ISN'T. You live in a world where the ASSUMPTION is there's enough for everybody (that can afford to pay for it, if you can't, you got trouble...and we can only wonder why?)

What's WRONG with you? [Isn't the typical conservative dogma? If your job doesn't pay you enough to live on then the problem isn't cheapskate capitalists, it's YOU!]

Well, time to have a discussion with the man in the mirror because YOU have been fed a line of crap all your life and even your parents weren't SMART ENOUGH to fill you in because NOBODY told them they were being lied to!

They might have suspected things didn't 'add up' but they were [and remained to the end] clueless as to what to do about it.

YOU on the other hand, are being provided a choice. Yes good citizen, you get to choose whether or not to let the criminals rob you and yours of everything they have coming to them or putting a stop to the nonsense.

A Simple Plan is your ticket to FREEDOM. It ends the exploitative Employer/employee relationship and promotes those who know over those who will do anything simply because they can...

Tired of being played (by morons)? You can have your life back if you're willing to accept responsibility for it.

Do your part and you will be rewarded with EVERYTHING you need, hell, we'll even give you something worth watching on TV! Something that ain't going to happen so long as programing is restricted to glorifying capitalism and it's attendant Police State. [No irony should be lost on the fact that 'reality TV is dedicated to non-existent 'rugged individualism', yet more conservative tripe!]

Medical care for those who can afford it [and only those who can afford it] is NUTS but that's not how the media tells it.

Now they're going to start beating that familiar old drum, 'food stamps are a waste'. Willy Jeff pretty much 'ended' welfare [public assistance is a shade of what it used to be but capitalism makes a mess out of everything.
Capitalism and charity are and always will be at odds with one another. Under a rational society neither one would be 'necessary'.

Yet capitalists regularly turn charity into a 'for profit' venture. Instead of doing the 'right thing for the right reason, charities are set up to be employment programs for otherwise useless family members.

Ever check out the balance sheet of the 'typical charity'?

If you KNEW what they were up to your head would this respect, ignorance truly is bliss!

Um, not as 'succinct' as I'd like but I believe to say it any plainer would insult your intelligence.

Let's wrap it up, tomorrow we have the look at the year that was so you need to be on your toes!

Get some rest and thank you once again for letting me inside your head,


Wednesday, December 28, 2016

What's the difference?

Greetings good citizen, it's only TREASON when you're disloyal to THEM, when they do it it's something different...worse, it's considered/treated as 'business as usual'

Navy repeatedly dismissed evidence that ‘Fat Leonard’ was cheating the 7th Fleet

By Craig Whitlock December 27 at 6:49 PM

This undated photo shows Leonard Glenn Francis, also known as Fat Leonard, a defense contractor who supplied U.S. Navy vessels in Asia for a quarter-century. He pleaded guilty in January in U.S. federal court to bribing “scores” of Navy officials with prostitutes, cash and luxury travel in exchange for sensitive information on Navy business practices.

The Singapore-based contractor, Leonard Glenn Francis, found it especially easy to outwit the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS), the renowned law enforcement agency that has inspired one of the longest-running cop shows on television.

Starting in 2006, in response to a multitude of fraud complaints, NCIS opened 27 separate investigations into Francis’s company, Glenn Defense Marine Asia. In each of those instances, however, NCIS closed the case after failing to dig up sufficient evidence to take action against the firm, according to hundreds of pages of law enforcement records ­obtained by The Washington Post under the Freedom of ­Information Act.

Justice Department officials say there is no end in sight to the investigation and that 200 people have fallen under scrutiny. Among them are about 30 current or retired admirals, according to Navy ­officials.

After the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, for instance, most NCIS agents who specialized in financial crimes were reassigned to the counterterrorism division.

Federal authorities said they caught a lucky break by narrowly winning a race to gain access to Francis’s emails, which contained years of incriminating message exchanges with his paid Navy informants.

Although one of his moles had warned him repeatedly to erase the email traffic, an overconfident Francis was slow to cover his tracks, according to copies of Francis’s text messages contained in court records. By the time he finally acted, the Justice Department had sent a warrant to Google a few days beforehand.

“If we were a couple of days late, if the fax machine at Google didn’t work, we’re not here today,” Young, the federal prosecutor, said at a court hearing in October. “Leonard is still under contract with the Navy, and tens of millions of dollars are continuing to evaporate into thin air.”

It would be naïve in the extreme to point to Morning in America and claim that's when corruption became capitalism's modus operandi of choice...but I believe most of us who have lived through those times would agree it marks when the 'pretense of propriety' was dropped.

Forgive the broken record good citizen but 'civilization' itself is based on 'trust'. THERE'S A REASON BETRAYAL OF TRUST IS A CAPITOL CRIME!

Yet anyone in a 'position of power' seems prone to betraying the trust placed in them...and many more don't give a crap because, as this news item demonstrates, the 'traitors' [that enriched themselves at the public's expense] got off easy with termination and a 'black mark' on their employment history.

Which is not to say that at least SOME of the 'Flag Officers' caught up in the swindle didn't land lucrative jobs in the private sector, where they will continue to use their military 'connections' to enrich their new employers.

Again I ask you, how do we 'fix' problems like this? Do we take the 'Libertarian approach' and pay those in positions of trust like kings so they are 'beyond corruption'?

How sad is it anyone who believes this is even remotely a 'solution' doesn't understand human nature very well. Corruption starts with abusing power just because they can! The 'reward' is baked in to the deed.

That's why it's important to remove this capability from the reach of the self-interested.

The 'Your money is for you' policy is one that protects you in more ways than one. Remember, humanities 'character flaw' is opportunism.

We need not create the opportunity, leave the pieces lying around and our clever self-servers will create it themselves...and be damn proud of it too!

One more time, slow and in English, the system is BROKEN, THE FIX NEEDS TO BE HOLISTIC!

It's not possible to patch what we've got, the whole thing needs to be replaced!

Too many weevils embedded in the current fabric, we need a 'fresh start' so the weevils will be trapped and rendered helpless by the new material.

The Lessons learned by what is sadly almost universal under 'rabid capitalism' is our civilization is collapsing under the predatory regime that's motto is, in essence, 'hooray for me and fuck the rest of you!'

We MUST put a stop to the exploitation of humans by those who believe [it's gone well beyond 'thinking'....] they're 'better' than the rest of us.

Fail to acknowledge this and suffer the consequences.

If you couldn't come up with something to 'reflect upon' here at the end of the charge.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Tuesday, December 27, 2016

You and I

Greetings good citizen, for today's puzzle we examine that seemingly immeasurable gulf between the 'normal' person and the obviously self-absorbed navel gazers like myself.

I readily admit to being 'fractured', in Mel Brooks parlance, 'Abby Normal' but why do I rant while you, er, grit your teeth and soldier on?

Is it 'weakness' on my part or is it 'stupidity'? I'm sure some of you have it figured out and even a few more would be inclined to share that observation with the rest of us if it didn't mean exposing yourself to the dreaded 'ridicule of others'.

Me, the answer is obvious, DILLIGAF...I really and truly don't.

See, that was quick. Bet you thought we were going to go exploring the valley of the ID, seeking out moral/intellectual 'superiority' that doesn't really exist.

You, for all your denial, are much more 'like' me than not. I'll go you one better, the 'differences' are more just a matter of perspective. In the end we're not 'different' at all, we merely see things differently.

Is it 'helpful' to learn the differences? Again, the answer depends on something most of you gave up on long ago, 'happiness'.

[Not saying you ALL did, just the ones that consider themselves 'adults'. It's a 'sign of maturity' when we put our own 'happiness' aside so we can make others, if not 'happy' then at least 'less dreary' (often a completely unappreciated sacrifice too, making it that much more pitiful.)]

How ironic even those who steal your 'comfort' often 'sacrifice it' [by socking it away in a trust fund] so their progeny can be considered 'equals' with those who had like-minded parents]

Happiness: Personal usually is an afterthought for most adults. Then again, happiness is a 'relative' term. We all know the boss is never, er, 'happy' because 'it' (regardless of what 'it' is) can always be 'improved'

So in that respect, Happy is out the window (despite some damn impressive performances being presented in a vain attempt to 'placate' the never happy boss...belaboring the question, 'why do we bother?')

Did you see it coming? I just turned the corner of obvious and now we arrive at 'in your face'.

Under for profit capitalism, there is no such thing as 'happy'. It is as if it doesn't exist...and THAT is a major problem...especially for the likes of the President elect.

Here is a man that lives for failure, a man whose favorite words are 'you're fired' [despite it being HIM that sent YOU on the 'fool's errand' in the first place, for that HE should be given the axe!]

In his mind, terminating the adequate is supposed to produce superior results...(while in both cases the results remain merely adequate.)

It is what it is. The sooner you accept this the sooner you can begin to embrace the 'Happy' again.

You make yourself miserable for someone that has a vested interest in NEVER being satisfied. [Emphasis on the NEVER!]

Those raises you never got and those vacations you never took all ended up in his thankless kid's trust fund!

Why? So the kid would be 'happy'.

Which is to belabor the obvious, sacrificing YOUR happiness (and along with it, your 'peace of mind' many of you spelled 'peace' the other way? Where's your dunce cap? GO put it on now! There's peace of mind and a piece of your mind, two different things entirely! Wake up out there!)

Happy SHOULD BE 'job one, good citizen! Ending want and poverty are easy to do if we set them as goals...but we don't.

NOW how many of you understand that our political/economic system is FUBAR?

No, this doesn't drive me crazy because we have come 'full circle'.... the 'answer' is DILLIGAF but now the arrow is pointing in the opposite direction, it's YOU who do not give (likely because you don't have one, talk about cheapskate is so bad most of us can't even afford one!

Point, match and set! We aren't different at all, we merely tell ourselves different lies.

Viva la difference!

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Monday, December 26, 2016

The Day After

Greetings good citizen, depending on what social stratum you hail from/become accustomed to the 'festivities' have concluded and yet another year slips into the history books.

Some of you will note I didn't post yesterday, not out of deference to Spirit in the Sky but a commitment to Family First, probably the strongest bond holding our rickety civilization together.

You can't pick your family, you take the package you were given at birth. Conversely, you do get to choose who you associate with but blood is still thicker than water.

Like it or not, you can't 'divorce' family. Even if you 'disown' them they are still YOUR people.

This goes on ad nauseum and I'm not telling you anything you don't already know.

The question 'did you enjoy the holiday?' has as many answers as it does participants...for most of us there were 'great moments' and then there were those that aren't destined for the record books.

Often YOUR great moment was someone else's yawner, so it is that no good deed goes unpunished.

Welcome to that place we call 'the holiday let-down'.

Ironically, the less you put in the less you're 'disappointment factor'. Nobody expects handstands over a Hershey's Kiss but to have the thousands you spent on jewelry being met with a 'less than enthusiastic' reception is disappointing to say the least.

Remember, man plans and fate laughs...[most say god laughs but it's part of the reason I have no truck with spirit in the sky, I have no use for a god that would let a place like this exist.]

Given the general level of 'disappointment' in this literally 'godforsaken place' it speaks volumes regarding the level if dementia the public suffers that we even have 'holy wars'!

While nobody has a 'rational expectation' of winning the lottery, we all groan inwardly when we see the jackpot didn't go [meaning you couldn't possibly win] It also doesn't prevent the sinking sensation one gets when the jackpot does go but the state it went to is on the other side of the nation...meaning you lose again.

Now I'm babbling...and I'm not telling you anything!

[Although it is information 'wasted' on no one.]

The only ones 'immune' to the lottery roller-coaster are those who don't play. [If you don't play you CAN'T WIN...]

One need not dig too deep into the archives to learn what I really think of the lottery. Worse, expose's revealing various 'fixing schemes' lottery officials have foisted only add to the 'stigma' of what many refer to as the 'stupidity tax'.

In reflection I am often, er, 'urinating' upon some thing or another...sort of redefines the whole concept of why can't we have anything nice?

Is this what comes from sharing this existence with a planet loaded with 'opportunists?'

How mad [read insane] is it that we commonly celebrate this vicious trait?

But I digress, not that any of you would/should care but I had a wonderful holiday under the zero in = zero disappointment rationale.

I expected nothing so what little I did get delighted me, the gifts I gave were practical so nobody gave me a 'just what I always wanted' because this was NOT that...although they were 'satisfied' with what they got since they too were 'expecting nothing'.

Want to really get depressed, start reviewing the year that was and compile a list of things you intend to do differently so next year might be more prosperous...which could work providing this year's fiasco isn't due to last year's failed strategizing!

Yup, nothing like the end of the year to sit back, assess and plan what you intend to do to make 2017 'a better year'.

Remember, 'failing to plan' is the same thing as 'planning to fail!'

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Saturday, December 24, 2016

Happy Yule to all

Before being usurped by Christianity the Winter Solstice represented 'rebirth' in the eyes of the pagans...

Which is neither here nor there for our purposes.

The 'rebirth' humanity is craving (lest you foolishly believe people in 'Happy Land' want for nothing and despise no-one...) is one that grants them equality with their fellow humans, justice that applies evenly to all and peace with which to enjoy their newfound 'freedom from exploitation' with..

Sounds like the foundation for a new religion, not one that worships an omnipotent god that does nothing for anyone but one that celebrates man's coming of age and growing maturity, a world where man no longer victimizes his fellow human.

Take me to THAT church and teach me to pray!

Love one another!

Peace & Joy


Friday, December 23, 2016

Smooth Sailing

Greetings good citizen, despite being 'that time of the year again' some of us can't shake that feeling we're chained next to a ticking time bomb...but at least it cures our normal 'holiday let-down syndrome' [but only because it is worse.]

Which is to opine that it appears to be man's lot in life, to live in fear until one of them actually does 'exterminate' us.

It is somewhat curious that Premier Putin doesn't find anything, 'unusual' in president elect Trumps call to 'strengthen' the planet's largest nuclear arsenal...but you already know, for all the 'red baiting' going on in our 'you'll print what we tell ya to print if you want to see your next paycheck' media, it's not the former Soviet Republic that will have to deal with the imaginary build-up.

In fact even the Chinese don't have much to worry about considering it's their 'masters' that will be ordering the invasion...which is going to go incredibly much so that the public will very strongly suspect someone on the 'inside' helped the occupying force seize control.

Because that's exactly how it will happen.

The question is what will YOU do?

MOST OF YOU will sit on your hands, playing the Who's classic 'Won't be fooled again!' with the line 'meet the new boss, same as the old boss' repeating over and over again in your head...because that's precisely how all of this will happen.

Those currently in charge that view YOU as a threat to their future are going to 'relieve' you of EVER having to 'vote' again...and if your kids get to vote it will be in 'mock' elections that are labeled 'fake' so it teaches them the futility of even trying to govern themselves...

Pretty harsh isn't it good citizen? We elect these people AND make them promise and swear to protect us but it's not us they owe 'fealty' to. It's their 'campaign contributors'!

Now Donald [allegedly] funded his own campaign...but we can rest assured he wants his kids to live so you can bet he's gonna do as he's told, just like every other meat puppet has since JFK stepped out of line.

It's why LBJ is famously quoted as saying 'If nominated I will not run, if elected I will not serve.'

LBJ knew what was in store for him and wanted no part in he literally paved the way for a Nixon presidency.

History tells us how THAT worked out, it's still causing ripples today!

Can't see them yet? Don't worry, you will. Hindsight is always 20/20!

Makes you wonder if Willy Jeff still thinks nobody knows he dismantled The New Deal single handedly? His wife losing her bid for a Clinton return to power is a pretty safe indication that more than just us old folks were paying attention.

REMEMBER, IF YOU WANT TO SURVIVE THIS, DO NOT MARCH IN THE STREETS! Pick areas nobody is watching, even remote areas if you must and start as many FIRES as you can! [Naturally, start fires near things that go BOOM!]

Keep doing it until they get the message, your name is not TOBY! [If I have to explain that to you, you shouldn't be playing with matches, you'll hurt yourself! Leave the burning to the adults!] It will also be an excellent idea to stash matches/ignition devices where you can retrieve them after the ban!

(It's failure to be specific that causes plans to go awry!)

Yes good citizen, the oligarchs choice of the 'new comer' over the trained lapdog speaks volumes regarding their 'intentions' and their new puppet is performing 'admirably' doing exactly what he's told...if any of you are stupid enough to think he's that clever; he doesn't even KNOW half of his appointees!

Is ANYONE surprised to hear he's abandoned his plans to 'drain the swamp'?

Can you say 'government for sale' to Mr. Wheeler Dealer?

The damning thing about all this good citizen is, even if the invasion is held in abeyance, if you DON'T REVOLT you're a lot farther gone than anyone imagined!

Do you want your mommy?

Five year-olds shouldn't be reading this and anyone else should 'nut up'!

We aren't playing video games and life doesn't have a 'reset button' so smarten the F up!

Merry Christmas one and all, enjoy it cuz it's likely to be your last!

Thank you for letting me inside your head [and once you get over the hostility, you'll thank me back for the heads up!]


Thursday, December 22, 2016

New Deal

Greetings good citizen, let's give 'the angry guy' a rest and turn our attention to 'how' we could fix the problems facing our modern society.

Left as 'inconsequential' are the vested interests of those who believe their way is the ONLY way!

The question never too far from even the self-proclaimed 'non-political' person's mind is 'how will I live?' It is a question each and every one of us has to answer every day [sometimes moment] of our existence.

Often times we surprise ourselves with our creativity but more often than not it's digging ever deeper as we do 'whatever it takes' to crack the nut placed before us by life.

And sometimes we survive despite the obstacles thrown at us by that relentless foe, nature.

Bet most of you thought I was going to take another poke at Nature's sidekick, greed...which is shorthand for capitalist but in the end, 'nature' is where the capitalist gets his/her 'ammunition'.

Your 'needs' are what the capitalist exploits...and by making capitalism 'voluntary' we are TAUGHT that those who can't comply are destitute by their own CHOICE!

Now food pantries are ubiquitous and homelessness afflicts millions because 'capitalism' (still 'voluntary') is collapsing!

How do we reconcile an 'operating system' that no longer 'needs' us with a world we don't have a choice in coming to?

You don't need to 'own' a house, you just need to USE one...just as you don't need to OWN a motor vehicle but our economy was kept busy producing them...just as it busies itself today producing armaments for never-ending wars!

Understand, the housing 'market' is exactly the 'godsend' our busy-work based economy NEEDS! We could employ tens of MILLIONS in the construction trades between renovating existing housing stock and tearing down dilapidated rental units used a 'cash cows' by the likes of the incoming president...

Not only would NEW housing provide more jobs than we need but maintaining existing housing would triple the job market instantly.

And both would serve to beautify the world that is being run into the ground by the shiftless and the greedy.

How do we PAY for all of these 'renovations'?

That's the beauty of it. Mother Nature DOESN'T have a cash register, resources are FREE!

Let's sweeten the kitty a little by reducing the work week to twenty hours...AND letting people retire at fifty! You don't have to but you could!

Which is to say there is a ton of upside to stepping off the 'consumer treadmill' and living more sustainably...with a definite focus on energy conservation!

[Eliminate utilities and we could generate power efficiently, on site...and it would be FREE!]

But this is 'heresy' to the rabid capitalists among us. Without people enslaved to buying JUNK who would do their 'heavy lifting' for them?

Brings the 'angry guy' right to the edge to acknowledge that this is what the whole 'pauperization' thing is all about, so the recklessly feckless won't have to get their hands 'dirty' doing for their damn selves!

Um, Exile will solve that one, quick!

So my gift to the 'psychologically indebted' this holiday season is the 'abolition' of ALL of your debts [because even pretending somebody owes you something under A Simple Plan is an exile offense.

Consider it my gift to you!

Happy Holidays good citizen [because not EVERYBODY is Christian...but you're ALL human and that's who the holidays REALLY celebrate!

Together we are INVINCIBLE!

Thanks once again for letting me inside YOUR head,


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Why I rant

Greetings good citizen, when taken in small bites like this my blog reads like it was written by a lunatic...

I can CLAIM 'I'm not nuts' til I'm blue in the face but in the end it's up to you to decide if I have a point or not.

The 'problem' [why I rant] is due to the 'system' being broken. Some of you need more specifics but let it suffice to say, push come to shove, the whole damn thing is busted...and those whose power relies on the continued operation of the system have but ONE PLAY and it's more than a little 'radical'.

They have to roll back the population to roughly half of its current level just to keep things limping along. Add in 'automation' and the population would need to be pared back SIGNIFICANTLY more on top of that!

Are there other 'work-arounds' that avoid offing large numbers of the population? Yes but over-population poses another 'threat' to those who dislike having their motives questioned [much less having to explain them.]

Which is to belabor the obvious, those whose continued power relies on ignorance tend to focus on not being found out.

Thus the decision to 'thin the herd' rather than re-juggle the economic pie.

[Full circle to when your ONLY tool is a hammer, every problem begins to present itself as a nail...]

Similar to my quandary, my only tools are words and if you fail to find my words compelling then I would have been better off keeping my mouth shut because the people I point fingers at don't like 'the rabble' scrutinizing their actions.

My 'gamble' is [and has been] they can kill me but they can't kill my ideas. [Worked for Christ, didn't it?]

But I digress, back to the 'broken'...

There isn't a part of 'the system' that ISN'T is broken, commerce is badly broken, government is a joke and by extension so is justice.

I defy any of you to disagree with me, the evidence is 'overwhelming' [which won't stop the naysayers even for a heartbeat.]

The 'truth' speaks to your heart, your mind tells you what you 'want to hear' to get you through seemingly impossible situations...

I do what I have to do but one of the things I pride myself on is not lying to myself. Some of you must tell yourself some real whoppers to get you through...and I probably don't have the slightest idea how deep that rabbit hole is.

One of the factors those of us who rant [often incoherently] must contend with is the most vexing, If I can see this, why is nobody else speaking up? [We have numerous examples of 'acting out' occurring almost of the most common incidents being 'suicide by cop', which is statistically counted as something else altogether!]

Well, the 'whopper' I tell myself is most of you see what I see but are clueless as to what to DO about you let it all roll off your back, doesn't matter cuz it's all going to 'blow-up' someday and your 'plan' is to not become 'collateral damage' (if you can manage it.)

I'm not telling anyone anything they don't already know...except A Simple Plan. I developed A Simple Plan when it occurred to me that 'a better way' didn't currently exist.

Communism is just capitalism without the middleman, we needed something that gave humanity the tools to live their lives in peace with! [I know most of you think that means all the dope you can smoke but those munchies will get the better of you sooner or later if nobody drives the tractor...(or the donkey the way things are headed) things will 'fall apart' fairly quickly and those who will force to do what needs doing will return to power...

I developed A Simple Plan precisely because it isn't reliant on Humanities 'goodness'. Man is accurately described as a self-centered, shiftless opportunist that seldom accepts responsibility for their actions (especially their lack thereof.)

It is often their failure to act that creates the problems they must struggle to overcome.

Again, the examples are endless.

We wouldn't even be here if shiftless humans would only stand up or themselves.

But we are a race of infants that need to be told what to sad is it that those doing the telling are only marginally more motivated than those who are on the receiving end?

Which is to opine that we really should listen to those who can demonstrate both intelligence and wisdom [one is knowing 'how' while the other is knowing whether we should or not] both are essential!

Again, genius manifests itself in 'weird' ways. People who understand physics appear not to have a clue when it comes to 'human dynamics'...and it appears those who have taken pains to butter their bread on both sides aren't seeking ways to make things better for humanity (in general, especially if it means giving up the 'advantages' the current system blesses them with.

[rant on]

Which is to acknowledge that those running things KNOW the system is broken! They aren't about to 'fix it' if it means THEY will suffer! [and they will, mightily!]

Where does that leave US [It's already too late for most of you reading this, it's your children and theirs that you should be thinking about!]

So the next time you encounter one of my posts and think to yourself, why should I read it, he's too angry! Well at least you'll know WHY I RAVE [like a lunatic no less!]

Am I wasting my breath when I tell you what you already know, that the situation isn't going to FIX ITSELF!

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Democracy inaction... [two words, not three.]

Greetings good citizen, the 'real election' took place yesterday and same as it ever was the results 'reflect' those of the general election.

More than a few were hoping for an upset because despite what they're [the bought and paid for media] is saying now [that the electoral college exists to protect the slaveholding states from the 'tyranny of the majority' argument that makes you wonder who else might need that kind of 'protection', The One Percent perhaps?]

When I was in school I was taught that the electoral college existed to 'prevent mistakes' a populist egomaniac hoodwinking the downtrodden with promises they had no intention of keeping.

It has long been evident that elections are 'staged events' literally 'choreographed' to provide 'the rabble' with the 'illusion of participation'.

Left to our imaginations is why this 'safeguard' exists at all if it's just 'eyewash'?

Abolishing the electoral college will have the identical effect as overturning Citizen's United...ZERO.

That said, what do you suppose they're up to? The Kings of old stepped off their thrones as one and some of them even championed the, er, 'democratization' [read looting] of their kingdoms.

The Magna Carta took SOME of the stuffing out of being king but they were still the 'supreme commander' and defacto 'owner' of everything in, on and under their land. Why 'walk away' from that?

In many respects, they didn't.

Most of them stepped off their thrones, walked into their treasuries, changed the name to First Bank and opened for business!

I will not digress into a discussion of who, precisely, is responsible for this fiasco but if you need a hint I point to the 'new musical' that celebrates his, er, single handed revolution brought about by being the 'father of modern banking'.

Sort of a damning indictment to count him among the 'founders' considering his 'innovations' are responsible for the bankrupting of humanity we are experiencing today.

Let us pick up our feet and move away from tawdry business surrounding the pauperization of those who make, shall we?

Instead we take a moment to focus on the 'fantasy world' the successors of those who wear purple have created.

How many of you caught today's headlines in the NY Times?

The one where some anonymous talking head is quoted as noting China is a Dragon, England is a lion and the US is an Eagle...and when the Dragon wakes up, the rest will all be 'snacks'.

A childish game of my 'totem' can eat yours, essentially meaningless in a thermo-nuclear armed world...but not so much if the intestinal fortitude to use those weapons doesn't exist.

How many times have the writers of today's infantile entertainment had the drop on the bad guy but for reasons unexplained the good guy doesn't pull the trigger? If it were RL the bad guy would be Swiss Cheese but no, the idiot writer has a 'different outcome' in mind.

[Being a writer I am hypercritical of those whose characters don't behave 'realistically'. It's almost as infuriating as having the hero drop a sniper from 500 yards with a snub-nose pistol, he'd have better luck throwing the handgun at his target!]

Sorry, pet peeves often get the better of me. [Before you criticize my writing I invite you to actually read some!]

Again, I digress...

Back to the theme at hand. How many of you are wondering why the Electoral college failed to protect us considering we have finally encountered the ONE CIRCUMSTANCE the body was established FOR?

Well, it really does come down to who, precisely, is 'calling the shots'...because this wouldn't be happening if this isn't what THEY want.

Reality check here good citizen, FDR he ain't.

What comes next is anybody's guess but it's a pretty safe bet it won't be anyone's idea of a 'walk in the park'.

Beware, good citizen!

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Monday, December 19, 2016


Greetings good citizen, the calendar is just one page and only days remaining before 2016 enters the history books.

We all know it's impossible to 'win' a game where the goal posts keep shifting and recently I have read of those who didn't achieve the American Dream despite doing their damnedest to hit the markers on time.

The one that makes me tweak is the bit about not being able to retire if you don't have 2 million dollars set aside. [It's more than TWICE what I've made my entire working career!] Stories are legion about the elderly eating pet food and living in freezing conditions because their SSI pensions don't provide enough for them to afford heat AND food.

Most of 'em live, a testament to their 'hardiness' more so than anything else. Then again, certain details never reach the public's curious mind. (like the circumstances surrounding those who asphyxiate themselves, starve to death or both.)

Death by 'natural causes' disappeared from the medical lexicon thanks to bloodthirsty lawyers but, ironically, a families 'right to privacy' trumps the public's 'right to know', especially when it comes to death by destitution.

WOULD YOU work like a dog all your life if you knew what awaited you after you hit the scrap heap?

Worse, MOST OF US hit the scrap heap much sooner than anticipated...making what we're 'entitled to' even less than originally counted upon.

No point in boo-hooing, we're the group bringing up the rear of the of the Baby Boom, we were only going to get the 'leavings' regardless.

But many of us struggled for years trying to get our feet under us...only to have them kicked out from under us again repeatedly by the relentless offshoring and downsizing brought upon us by 'Morning in America' and the so-called 'Republican revolution'.

While electing Trump, who RAN AS A REPUBLICAN BUT CAMPAIGNED AS A DEMOCRAT [Back when there were still democrats] was an exercise in pretzel logic, as we are seeing, this 'lack of accountability' from our 'can't touch 'em once they win' elected officials [who thought THIS was a good idea? Oh yeah, the knotheads holding the gun...the ones that make whoever we elect do what THEY SAY after we can no longer, er, 'threaten them'.

Big Flaw but what are a gonna do, we also weren't invited to the 'design meeting' when all of this was set up...

Should tell ya something in itself but no...most people don't waste their time thinking about how stuff SHOULD work. EXCEPT THE OCCASSIONAL SCREWBALL...

(oops, I resemble that remark!)

Anyway, why do so many people 'miss the mark' when it comes to achieving The American Dream? The steps are simple and straight-forward. There's nothing particularly difficult about it [except the staying in one place for forty years, that part has proven devilishly difficult, considering the ever-shifting landscape we call a 'working environment'. But we have zero control over that variable, making the American Dream just that, a made up fantasy!

No irony should be lost that we still dutifully teach our children to chase that dream! Like we, never quite having nailed it down, believe that our kids will be 'luckier' in a world rapidly filling with [allegedly] lower paid and better educated 'competition'...

Just how big of a SAP are you?

We all want the best for our kids but it ain't gonna happen if we don't TEACH THEM HOW!

I know most of you are old and tired and you figure your done raising your kids but the job isn't 'finished', they are still missing some essential items from their toolbox.

Kids (I know some of my audience is 'youthful' if not necessarily young...not throwing stones, just facing reality!) You've heard my calls for strike and feel the 'wisdom' of not engaging in 'direct conflict'.

The (infamous) THEY don't dare re-instate outright SLAVERY by forcing workers back to work, the revolt would be insane.

Because that's the 'next level'...their 'play' is (and always has been) 'Peace at any price'.

Their 'determination' to kill those who do not comply has to be met with 'equal ferocity' on YOUR PART.

There truly is a point where life 'isn't worth living' and you are truly guilty of 'sending your children into bondage'.

[You didn't 'sell' them into it, you have no choice! You GET nothing out of this Faustian bargain! This is what you need to realize!]

YOUR PARENTS didn't 'stand up' for you and by the time your kids realize YOU LIED TO THEM, they will be parents themselves!

Thus the 'chain' remains 'a few' can be rich...and squander what is rightfully the future's!

Sounds crazy until you actually think about it. Most of you chalk up your 'unhappiness' to your own 'failure', all the while knowing it is the 'shifting goalposts' fault. Ones that kept moving just as you got close!

THAT wasn't your fault, you don't control the goalposts...not the 'one more things' that keep springing up to keep 'the life' just out of your reach.

You know what did though? Not your not trying hard enough, it was THEM keeping your children in bondage!

Looks selfish on your part until you realize it's THEIR JOB TO KEEP YOU CHASING THE CARROT [donkey!]

How many times do I have to tell you to 'smarten up' until you actually DO IT!

Well, that's enough for today. Think I'm a bit off the deep end YOU try doing this every day for twenty years and see what it does to you...

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Sunday, December 18, 2016

Take me to (a new) Church!

Greetings good citizen, I have repeatedly confessed to being a 'lapsed catholic' that has no truck with Spirit in the Sky or the religion I was raised with.

No doubt that 'religious training' is part of what makes me who I am today and COULD BE the missing link in today's anchorless generations as many parents made the choice [when they were still young] that going to church was a 'waste of time'.

I, on the other hand, took a different stand, that basic religious training was essential to providing children with a moral compass to guide them. So my kids dutifully got up on Sunday mornings and went to church with their mother...not catholic but Eastern Orthodox, which is similar to Catholicism but SANE in that they allow clergy to marry!

Yes, we are still entitled to our opinions even when it comes to institutions that do more harm than good. Under A Simple Plan you can worship rocks if that's what gets you through the day but NOBODY will be paid to 'speak for god'.

It WON'T be a job classification but a 'calling' like days of yore. The 'spokesperson for spirit in the sky will have to 'settle up' with his maker of choice once they cross the great divide because under NO CIRCUMSTANCES will there be CASH in any way or shape...nor will anyone be exempted from their work requirement so they can 'preach'.

Hypocritical stand isn't it? On one hand praise religion for providing 'social cohesion' then damning it to 'hobby status' but the mind is an extremely fragile instrument, too easily corrupted by the unscrupulous.

Which is to say in the unlikely event ASP does happen, you KNOW there will be those who take this, opening and pry it beyond its intended purpose, making believers support the church and do 'god's work'...when one of the other things that won't exist under A Simple Plan is 'charities'.

It is BEYOND SICK that people 'sanctify themselves' by using circumstances that shouldn't exist in the first place!

While this latest Pope is, in my humble opinion, the best one yet [sort of like Daniel Craig being the best Bond ever!] it is a wart on humanity that the current pontiff has commenced taking his meals with the HOMELESS!

Again, Pope Francis is a giant among men, his actions speak loudly against a society gone horribly wrong...but where were men like Francis when the church ruled the world [with an iron grip I might add?]

Not to steal the pontiff's thunder, I deeply respect the message he is sending, he is a shining beacon in a world shrouded in darkness and filled with evil.

Shift mental gears with me because it is not enough to attend church and 'worship god' [as evil men have created him, ironically the SAME evil men who deduct billions they allegedly contribute to 'charities' that do THEM more good than the ones they purport to help!]

We need a new church, one centered on the three pillars of civilization [Equality, Justice and Peace] dedicated to the overall welfare of humanity and this planet we call home!

In my opinion, it is mankind's failure to value his fellow man that is causing the social turmoil that afflicts so many...just so 'a few' can be rich...and the wealth does them ZERO GOOD!

I champion a doctrine of SANITY, one where all humanity prospers [and those who refuse to live by the rules are banished for their transgressions...because this too is 'sanity'.]

Those of you that stand in judgement of your fellow man [card carrying members of the church of the poisoned mind] will rail against giving the 'undeserving' ANYTHING because they haven't 'suffered for it.' [Not that YOU did but your winning the 'birth lottery' isn't up for debate, is it?] This isn't about YOU, it's about them!

If any of the above 'resonates' with you, prepare for exile. [I pull no punches, take this as a warning of that which is to come. Change your ways or suffer the consequences.]

But I digress, we all suffer in a world without consequences for reasons that need no explaining.

For all of my, er, 'ranting and raving' what I am trying to communicate here is the (dire) need for a new common bond that unites humanity against those who would exploit us.

Law number 1 under A Simple Plan is the human anti-exploitation law...which some knotheads will try to get around by claiming their not human (good luck with that!) because exploiting anyone is an exile offense, regardless of what you claim to be!

And no candy coating it good citizen, exile is a death sentence. You WILL die there...sooner or later cuz the trip is 'one way', just like the people that get sent there!

Want to make the world a better place? Start by being 'better people'!

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


PS. I have ALREADY TOLD YOU what needs to be done, you just have to put it all together! Not just here in the US but around the world because it's not going to work if even one nuclear armed nation remains under capitalist control after the strike ends.

The 'greedy insane' will make war on us and they have already proven their willingness to exterminate the species if we don't comply.

You MUST NOT fail...

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Destitution & denial

Greetings good citizen, Just as many of you 'confuse' yourself with Middle Class [really not your fault since 'Working Class' disappeared from the public lexicon around the advent of 'Morning in America', only to be resurrected this past election cycle by the same party that banished it thirty years ago.

But you aren't interested in 'history' are you?

All you know is things are going 'wrong' and those in charge of 'correcting the wrongness' keep attacking things that make the original problem worse.

Sort of on the idea of trying to extinguish a fire using gasoline...

For a 'divided nation' there is a definite consensus regarding the 'wrongness' of how our affairs are managed.

What should we 'do' about this?

Isn't it obvious? The answer is nothing.

Like today's title, many of you live in denial. Donald will 'drain the swamp' dumping more alligators in it!

What's the 'destitution' part about?

Again, obviously, most of you are in denial about your destitution.

With the 'evaporation' of HELOCS that allowed you to 'live beyond your means' [they're TRYING to resuscitate the housing market but the problem they ran into the first time, too many paupers and not enough princes is keeping it a 'buyers market'.]

Many of you have squeezed yourself dry, financially, to cover the whipsaw effects of rising credit card debt and shrinking home equity.

We once again arrive at the 'capitalist conundrum', if your job doesn't pay you enough to live on it's not your bosses problem, it's YOURS!


How many of you would 'opt-in' to 'Capitalist Utopia'...where we all were 'self-employed' and made our living 'vending' to one another?

Think capitalism is 'predatory' now? Imagine a world/society where 'unregulated capitalism' reigned? [Why unregulated? Who do you suppose 'for profit' police would protect if not those who could afford to pay?]

Remember, in capitalist utopia EVERYBODY would have their own 'police' would become 'rent-a-thugs' Justice for the highest bidder. [With all that implies, the least scrupulous keeping the baddest thugs 'on retainer'.]

Worse, think of all the things that would disappear because production lines would vanish. Oil, refined petroleum products, electricity [although the technology exists to automate the plant. the 'crew' necessary to service the generators is another, er, difficulty to be overcome.

Which is to point out that Capitalist Utopia CAN'T EXIST.

Besides, you'd spend all your 'free time' fighting off the marauders. [The landless and tool-less that have no skills to trade...and they are Legion!]

Wait, is this beginning to sound like the here and now?

Pretty much!

Any of you 'taking offense' to the being called 'destitute'?

Well, it depends on your definition of destitution, doesn't it?

Takes a certain degree of honesty to admit you have little to lose. Some folks have their faces rubbed in it every day so they have no illusions about their circumstances.

Often the only thing separating the honest from their peers (or folks even worse off than they are) is Pride.

Ever wonder why Pride is considered a sin?

Few remember this but there was a time when 'stupid' was considered 'God's Judgement', that we should all pity the none too swift because god was punishing them.

Now we no longer 'pity' them...because they're 'special'.

Is anyone else bothered by the lies we tell ourselves?

Does anyone still wonder why society is incapable of facing reality? [Not a rhetorical question, good citizen, look at the evidence.]

For those of you that didn't see this coming, we have arrived 'full circle' to the question of 'what are we going to do about it?

Same as above...nothing?

Remember that answer when the streets are running in blood.

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Friday, December 16, 2016

What'sa matta U?

Greetings good citizen, besides being Bullwinkle's alleged alma mater, What'sa matta U is also the question half of America is asking itself about the other half.

What does it mean? It means we are all victims of a highly successful 'disinformation campaign' designed to make us 'appear' more divided than we actually are.

How long has this been going on? Since 'Morning in America', making it well into its thirty-fifth year!

The world has changed completely since the 'Reagan Revolution', [better known as the stolen election of 1980 among those of us who actually lived and tried to work during the hellacious economy of the Reagan years.]

What amazes me is people not old enough to remember Reagan and what it was like back then telling ME what a saint he was!

Now THAT'S 'propaganda!' [bordering on brainwashing but who knows where kids get their strange ideas these days? Speaking of bizarre, what's up with applying deodorant all day it OCD or are they really that paranoid?]

Politics aside, let's roll the issue back somewhat to the 'completeness' of the education YOU received. Certain things like what money is and how it is useful was left to YOUR PARENTS to explain...although a vast majority of your parents DIDN'T KNOW THIS and even more are just as UNAWARE today!

There is a REASON for this, er, 'blank spot' in the public education system. Capitalists don't want you to KNOW what money exists for, they just want you to know that YOU NEED IT!

Religion could redeem itself by preaching the fact that money is a TOOL and not a goal! [I belabor the obvious when I point to the far too many of us whose greatest ambition in life is to come into a large sum of money and it doesn't matter how they do it!

But I digress. What if you were aware that as a parent it was your obligation to educate your progeny, what would YOU tell them?

Isn't the 'honest answer' I don't know? Mighty big hole in YOUR education considering the factor it plays in how you will live your life...isn't it?

Do you think your 'ignorance' is an accident, an oversight perhaps?

Think you missed that day of school way back when?

Nope...even those with doctorates in finance aren't 'educated' in the basic facts regarding what money is (and ISN'T) and its usefulness to society...because if they were, SOMEBODY would have cried FOUL a long time ago!

Like voting, the 'little people' weren't considered 'smart enough' to intellectually handle the knowledge of money and how it came into widespread use (and their ignorance proved to be oh so profitable!)


Did you feel that, like a slap upside the noggin? Feel like a dope now don't you? No, still confused?

Soldier on...

Constant reader knows [because it is my favorite hobby horse] that ALL MONEY IS FUNNY! They whip up as much as they want whenever they want it and it don't mean spit!

The 'panics' in post WWI Germany and more recently in Zimbabwe? That was the uber wealthy literally dumping their cash into the marketplace, causing INSTANT DEVALUATION! [Ever wonder where the average schmuck got is hands on a wheelbarrow full of cash?]

Maybe they were saving up for a yacht...or a sex change operation! Ask yourself where YOU'D get a wheelbarrow full of cash?

Imagine what would happen to the US dollar, the world's 'reserve currency' if just ONE Billionaire dumped their holdings onto the global market?

Instant worthlessness...although, not necessarily. If Another billionaire were to absorb that 'excess cash' then it would be crisis averted.

But if the BANKERS wanted to, the contents of ALL your accounts could become confetti, instantly...and there isn't spit you could do about it! [This is 'the pistol' the banking industry holds to our collective heads...but it's not the only one!]

But they wouldn't do that...would they? What do you suppose happened in Zimbabwe?

Bob Mugabe got spanked because he tried to give part of the national economy back to the people who lived and worked the land!

But that's not the story our feckless media it becomes yet another case of 'he said, she said'

Needless to say, most of us have other things on our minds [like where our next meal is coming from or how much longer will you have to make late payments on the car until the mortgage is caught up?]

You live in a 'money trap' a trap made for you by the One Percent.

Now how do you feel about being FORCED to elect 'one of them' to manage our affairs? [Worse, you were going to end up with a One Percenter either way!]

Seriously, how much worse could it be?

Well, not so fast chum!

First and foremost, The Donald's 'cabinet' is filling itself up [yes, itself, you don't honestly believe that these people who ignored him during his candidacy suddenly crawled out of the woodwork to accept posts in his administration, do you?

Which is to say the 'puppet masters' are readily visible if you know what your looking at!

Anybody else find it suspicious that NOT ONE of his appointees publicly endorsed him for President?

You'd think I was off my rocker if I told you that they don't need the interest they charge you on the money you are forced to borrow just to keep current...[for a little while.]

One of the problems presented by the gross mismanagement of our economy is the sheer lack of investment opportunities out there.

No point investing in an 'economic desert', there is zero return.

Which leads to the more important question of what do you suppose the infamous 'they' intend to do with the mess they've made?

Time to thank you for reading this far, it is also time to 'remind' readers that it is NEVER my intention to TELL YOU WHAT TO THINK, it is my goal to provide YOU with something to THINK ABOUT!

That said, thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Thursday, December 15, 2016

Depression leading to hopelessness...

Greetings good citizen, for the most wonderful time of the year it can be soul crushing if you're broke.

Holidays aside, life itself (and the constant struggle for money) doesn't make Jack a cheerful boy, in fact suicide is on the rise.

Suicide and what it says about our predatory society is a topic for another day. Today, let us consider a 'mental problem' of epidemic proportions, depression.

Hard NOT to be depressed considering the living conditions of the average individual...

I'm not a 'shrink' but you probably don't have to dig too hard to find a mental health professional whose hair is on fire (because the situation will remain insoluble as long as predatory capitalism continues to squeeze you for everything you're worth) over a problem that affects pretty much everybody.

Lost productivity is probably the least damaging effect of 'relentless depression'...suicide may not be the apex either, think rampages and why they happen...

As I repeatedly point out, the conventions that prevent us from slaughtering one another on sight are wearing ever thinner.

Soon it will be in your best interest to put a round between the eyes of the next stranger you meet (hopefully before he puts one between yours!)

Sick as it sounds, SOMEONE is actually trying to make us 'thin the herd' ourselves.

Now THAT is one sick F***! But don't ever 'underestimate' our self-professed 'betters'. THEY are behind this mess and they are the ones that turn the screws at every opportunity!

But NOBODY is interested in making it stop, much less bringing those responsible to justice.

Oh, you'll all have my back once I wrestle 'em onto the platform but until then you'll be happy to just watch.


How do we 'end' the state of depression that is grinding social cohesion to dust?

A Simple Plan ENDS predatory capitalism by ending OWNERSHIP of the things you only need the USE of. Some of the key features is the outlawing of debt (of any kind.) To claim someone 'owes' you (anything!) is a CRIME punishable by EXILE!

Your money is for YOU! You get paid for your labor and only YOU get to spend it!

No mortgage, no rent and no utilities! Free internet, cable and movies (better, there will probably be something worth watching now that capitalist censors won't be banning anything that shows capitalism in a 'bad light'.

Here's a 'game changer'. Society OWES YOU a Life (worth living.) Just try it on and see how it makes you feel!

Ever notice Hollywood takes pains to make social issues the result of the people who live in 'bad places'...if only they had more 'ambition' they'd get their act together and get out of that sinkhole they've been living in.

Like it is ever 'that simple'.

Live in a dump? That's because the landlord is more interested in collecting your rent than making you comfortable. He has a list of 'minimums' to meet and as long as the property isn't 'primarily deficient' he can keep charging you...even if certain problems remain unaddressed.

NOBODY should be allowed to collect money for providing YOU with one of life's NECESSITIES!

This behavior is CRIMINAL but not according to current 'standards' (or practices.)

SHOULD YOU be 'depressed' all of the time? Bad enough every day brings another heartache but when they pile up (and they always do) that's when hopelessness takes over and the extremely dangerous 'nothing left to lose' takes hold.

Then it doesn't matter who you slaughter, the more heinous the better because the last thing you want is to be taken alive!

Yup 'suicide is a SIN but it's not suicide if the cops have to cut you down to save innocent lives (and what better 'insurance policy' than to take out schoolkids?)

Is THAT the kind of world you want to live in? TOUGH, it's the one YOU created by failing to rein in the rapacious!

Although that's not fair. Our betters have gone to great lengths to create a space that allows them to operate as 'they see fit'. Now that the apex predators control the ONE INSTITUTION created to PROTECT US, things are going to go SOUTH, QUICK!

Um, so there you have it, fight like a caged animal to bring the predators to heel or perish in a vortex of FU, Pay me! While your neighbors 'go postal' because they can't take it anymore!

Don't forget the impending invasion! {If we aren't rioting in the streets after six months of the new administration they are going to break out the 'big guns' and get serious about 'thinning the herd'.

Question is, do YOU feel LUCKY? The Chinese trooper that has a bead on you has no clue if you voted for Trump, nor does he care.

Will you survive? Only time holds the answer.

*Follow me if you want to live (again!)

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


PS: *This offer is valid WORLD WIDE.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The Art of War

Greetings good citizen, whether you realize it or not [and I'm betting most of you don't, not in a sense that matters anyway!] there is a war underway.

Again, I belabor the obvious when I tell you it's not the GWOT, the war I speak of is much older.

And YOU are getting your ass kicked! Which is to point out the obvious, YOU are on the losing side...because you don't even know there's a war going on!

Sure, life is a struggle but what should strike you is WHY? Why are things so, er, 'difficult'?

Perhaps, more succinctly, if our struggle is due to greed or some other criminal activity, why doesn't somebody DO SOMETHING about it?

In yet another 'turn of the screw' the 'justice department' turns a blind eye to criminal activity beyond a certain level...and other criminal behavior is prosecuted zealously with the advent of 'for profit prisons'.

Which is to point out [again] that our 'justice system' is badly broken. [Even worse than what many of you were shown on Adam ruins everything!]

Not to piss on one of the few folks earnest about changing the direction the cesspool flows but even HE 'pulls his punches'. Part of it is time constraints but the other part is if he exposes too much of the truth it can't be aired because there will be 'blood in the streets'...part of the reason the media got muzzled in the first place.

A media 'free-for-all' does nobody any good...[except those who rule through 'chaos'.]

So we all cry about our, er, 'clueless' media but it is 'mute' for a reason.

Don't let the Silence of the Talking Heads confuse you. What they are 'required to ignore' has grown to such proportions that the lies told to cover up the truth now threatens to extinguish society altogether!

But I digress...let's talk more about the war, shall we?

You can divide humanity into two distinct classes and label them however you like. Let's stop right there and get a little grip on our two 'combatants'.

One side 'takes' while the other side 'makes'.

The 'takers' have come, over the CENTURIES to BELIEVE this is the NATURAL ORDER OF THINGS. They view themselves as 'predators' whose right it is to take whatever it is they happen upon and to keep it or destroy it as it suits them.

Now pay attention because civilization wouldn't exist if the self-interested hadn't seen the disastrous outcome this myopic behavior would produce. The makers would stop making and THEY would have to make due with what they could make themselves.

Takers are 'war-like and none too bright'. They probably ran humanity to the edge of extinction several times before one of the Makers convinced the most successful Takers to put a stop to the predatory behavior of their peers.

Well, this first but then the makers [that bred with the takers] stopped being grateful for being allowed to live so long as they forked over what they made.

[Slave rebellions are SO tedious...and it should surprise NO ONE that slavery was the 'accommodation' that was finally reached.]

Again, inbreeding produced [semi] intelligent Takers, some that could see the benefit of letting the makers 'think' they were getting something for their hard work.

Again, I draw a crude thumbnail sketch of history from the stone-age up to the American Revolution, when the Takers stumbled on yet another, er, [to them] 'brilliant idea'. Let the morons believe they are ruling themselves! We'll call it Democracy and when things go tits up, we'll blame it on them!

Responsibility isn't one of the Taker's strong's ALWAYS someone else's fault, even when their fingerprints are all over the disaster!

Now, where do YOU fit into this duel? Well, Takers are 'generally' born into their positions of 'hereditary power'. You may have 90 % Taker genetics but if your 'loser' ancestor got thrown overboard, you're not a Taker anymore.

So you landed in the camp of those forced to 'make themselves useful' to their 'betters'. If you can't find a way to 'make yourself useful...too bad, it's going to suck being you! [A tune all too familiar to tens of millions of today's youth.]

A problem so acute that we WILL soon see open warfare in the streets!

Why are thing so, er, screwed up? Because our society has ALWAYS been led by self-absorbed MORONS [abetted by 'better them than me' sycophant-sellouts that only make matters worse!]

The thing to wrap your head around is this 'war' has been going on since the beginning...not just of our species but since life itself began!

What you need to recognize is we stand at a juncture, an opportunity to move up on the evolutionary ladder.

What is the next step?

To purge ourselves of the 'exploiters'. The ONLY WAY 'forward' is to remove the stumbling block of the 'self-interested' from our species.

It will remain a 'dangerous path' because, thanks to the loutish behavior we inherited from our Taker progenitors, 'wisdom' remains in short supply.

However, I predict you will be amazed at how quickly things turn around once the boot heel of ignorance is lifted from our necks!


Without 'direction' we're just whistling in the dark. Where do we begin? Where it all began, where it all originally went 'wrong'.

We STOP producing. They can't steal what isn't there!

But won't we suffer too?

Less than they will. We will 'block' their access to what remains and start the 'extermination process' by targeting 'badges and robes'...the heart of the 'injustice system'.

No one said it as going to be 'easy' but it all starts with the STRIKE.


Um, heck of a season to put a kink in things but we won't get to choose. If they pull the plug, you'll play what you're dealt and like it!

So if not NOW, WHEN? [and if not US, WHO?]

Thank YOU for letting ME inside YOUR head!


Tuesday, December 13, 2016


Greetings good citizen, what's 'great' to you might be horrible to someone who among you will be surprised when the Donald's plans to make America 'Great' (again!) might leave you 'flat'.

We are already witnessing a warm embrace of everything he ran AGAINST on the campaign trail.

How many of you agree we can't allow the STUPID to vote?

If you don't have a 100 IQ or better your voter registration is automatically revoked.

Truth be told I'm betting the 'none too swift' are already regretting their decision to vote for the 'outsider' who turns out to be from the other end of the equation and not an 'outsider' at all!

What am I babbling about? Politicians without their, er, 'wealthy benefactors' are literally nothing. They 'play' the rabble but they 'serve' their campaign contributors.

So what were the 'tards thinking when Mr. Your Fired was lying through his teeth to them?

Gosh he'd make a great president, yup, yup, yup!

Do you think any of those people are now thinking, 'Gee, we handed the nuclear launch codes to a certified psychopath that has nothing in common with us!'

Nope, don't work like that. STUPID won't think they made a 'mistake' until a nuke blows them to kingdom come! Which sadly is a stretch, chances are they will die with their mouths forming a perfect circle, expressing their astonishment/incomprehension of what just happened!

That said, we are about to embark on yet another 'great social experiment', one where the people responsible for destroying society [due to their total incomprehension of MONEY, coupled with their own excessive stockpiles of the same] will try their hand at actually doing what their paid shills (wisely) refused to do [fearing for their lives.]

Bringing us full circle with the question we should have been asking all along...Great FOR WHO?

Donald 'Implied' it would be great for EVERYONE but left unspoken is, if nothing else, that he's absolutely, positively, most definitely NOT 'One of Us'...

So making Murika GREAT (again) for the OWNERS [one of the founding principals] was actually a literal proposition...and if you aren't one of the 'fortunate few' then you can just go suck it!

How the owners will like having Chinese troops all over their gated communities will probably be moot as they will have sufficient warning to depart for one of their foreign properties well before the invasion begins. If they're still here afterwards then that's their problem.

Speaking of problems, the stupid don't grasp the fact that THEY ELECTED A MEMBER OF THE VERY CLASS GOVERNMENTS ARE ESTABLISHED TO PROTECT US FROM!


If you CANNOT CORRECTLY ANSWER the question WHY DOES GOVERNMENT EXIST, you have no business (nevermind right) voting!

Wanna know what went wrong with the last election? Too many of the clueless turned out to vote!

When a government ceases to serve its purpose, it is the PEOPLE'S OBLIGATION to tear it down and establish a NEW GOVERNMENT.

Dunno about the rest of you but it's looking like it's time to put a fork in this one cuz it's DONE!

Happy Holidays good citizen and thanks for letting me inside your head,


Monday, December 12, 2016


Greetings good citizen, I am always carrying on about how all money is 'funny' [not ha-ha but counterfeit...] it is a 'tool'...but the truly disturbing part is how we have come to use this tool, it is used to ENSLAVE US.

Across the arts spectrum we witness repeatedly the theme of being a slave to money (then we die.)

Naturally this begs the question of why? Why do we put up with it?

It is theft, plain and simple. They take what you make and pay you a pittance [your tough luck if you can't live on it] then sell it back to you for more than you can afford!

If the buying and selling monkey business weren't enough, the credit and collection part of the puzzle is really out of control!

You DO understand that it is the...the word doesn't exist, that buy charged off debt that are responsible for revenue hungry police forces pulling people over for traffic violations then hitting them with legal fees that amount to what the charged off debt was for...and that many of these people are MURDERED when they get upset about this abuse of civic authority!

Like Money...or even sanity for that matter, civic authority is whatever THEY say it is! [For the anal retentive among you 'THEY' = our 'self-professed betters'.]

Worse, you can't argue with a sick mind cuz nuthin' go up top!

Now for the slam, you have to be some kind of stupid not to be able to figure that out for yourself!

[Until we all start using our heads for more than a hat rack we will continue to drown in a sea of stupid!]

But why are we here, having this conversation about something we ALL should know like the back of our hand...does it bother ANY OF YOU that YOU and everybody you know has different ideas about MONEY.

It's all we talk about, hell, it's all we dream about and it is the source of ALL OF OUR MISERY!



Let's be clear on this because chowder headed conservo-whackos will be quick to point at 'those damn liberals' when the real, er, 'enemy' is the One Percent!

The Liberal/Conservative 'divide' is make believe BECAUSE MONEY IS MAKE BELIEVE...AND IT COMES FROM A PRINTING PRESS!

Oddly, people instantly recognize that all crime is 'cash & carry' yet they are reluctant to abolish cash [old school thinking, pre-electronic banking stuff] because we were raised with 'money they can touch' engrained in their psyche.

Sadly, this prevents the one thing money is useful for [limiting access.] Failure to 'destroy' used money doesn't 'close the loop'. Worse, letting the shiftless pocket this money dilutes the value of all new wealth.

But that's just common sense. Even YOU can figure that out! [Although I'll bet you twenty bucks the idea didn't even occur to you until just now! [In the old days the same bet would have been a nickel but it proves my point about 'dilution' and perceived value]

Yup, good citizen. Not only is money a 'tool' but we're using it wrong!

How did the shiftless pull that one off?

Maybe by creating their own country...

The 'founders' were one greedy bunch...and they didn't know Dick about Democracy; leading the casual observer to ponder how much they cared?

Not much I'm afraid good citizen. Alexander (murdered for good reason) Hamilton was a 'bad influence' on the founders... He got them all excited about the 'endless possibilities' of a world dominated by 'capitalism'...I mean, what could go WRONG?

Take a good look good citizen, because you're soaking in it!

That aside, Hamilton was One of the two non presidents to adorn US currency, sort of makes you wonder what they did to deserve it?

Yup that puddle of oozing bile is just deep enough to drown the world in 'capitalist nonsense'.

Think the Terror was bad, the PURGE will be worse!

Has any of you caught the recent headlines regarding the further 'militarization' of the nation's police forces?

If there is to be peace, the peacekeepers must speak fluent ENGLISH (or Spanish...preferably both.)

So who will purge first, the people or the overlords?

They're taking the long way home...because they KNOW we won't 'nut up' in time to save our worthless hydes.

So don't let anybody tell you, they didn't warn us! Because you KNOW they aren't gonna. In fact, the first phase of 'cleansing' will be met with disbelief [largely because the media will ignore it...and if the media doesn't report it, did it happen?

People will find You tube videos but they'll be written off as scams...until loved ones are observed as being among those cut down by police fire...during a 'riot' the police initiate.

Always raggin' on the cops it seems? Well, take a look at the criminal activity all around us and wonder why NOBODY IS DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT? Um, where is the first place you look?

Why do you suppose cops make [with details] roughly the same amount as Wall Street traders? [and neither one of 'em does anything 'useful'...]

Another serious 'flaw' in our social set-up...but it's not an 'accident'. The has nothin' to do with nothin' stock market EXISTS to provide the criminals with a 'visible means of support'.

How bad are you taking it up the poop chute now?

Tryin' not to think about it don't ya?

Well, join the club.

Want something REAL to dream about? Imagine a world where NONE of this BS exists, you only work 20 hours a week which is fine because housing and transportation are 'gimmes [better, maintenance is a gimme too! you don't pay to keep the shack livable, or presentable...however it will still be YOUR responsibility to get your trash to the curb!

Okay, so don't dream about that part...but it is still a better place for you and yours [or if you wish to remain single and live 'independently', that will be an option too because society will take care of ALL children, EQUALLY!

But I digress. The primary reason we haven't had a 'second revolution' I because there is nothing to revolt for.

Too many are ignorant of alternatives to this shit sandwich served up to us daily, along with the admonition 'enjoy!'

Under which is the 'you f'n ingrate, be happy you still have a job...(probably not for long!)

Really slapping 'em around today, eh?

Well, enough is enough. Time to wander off and do my squaw work!

Peace out good citizen and good luck trying to wake your peers up before its too late!

Thanks for letting ME inside YOUR head!


Sunday, December 11, 2016

A Matter of trust...

Greetings good citizen, the 'American Dream' is being revealed for the fraud that it is...what few are willing to admit is it always has been 'a lie' intended to sour you on the idea of exploring Communism.

So it is that Republicanism is an ideology based on false premises...yet so many [mis-named] 'independents' worship at that same unholy alter.

Not because it is true but because it more closely aligns with how they believe the world 'should be'. Again, belief is probably stretching it...truth is it's how they were told/taught how the world works...also a boldfaced lie.

We have a long tradition of stupid leading stupid...(er?) with no sign of it letting up anytime soon.

The tendency to go along to get along, even when it feels wrong, is too deeply ingrained in our psyches, thus are we easily manipulated by the loudmouthed simpletons among us.

The American Dream is (and always was) 'propaganda' whipped up by the same rapacious capitalists to hoodwink the producers of their wealth.

Same as it ever was...probably where the noisome expression, 'I can't help it if they're stupid' comes from...because it's such a short step between 'trusting' and 'idiocy'

That's the long and the short of it good citizen, we 'trust' our leaders to 'do right' by us, often swallowing their tripe when they fall short rather than believing they BETRAYED US...but they do it with such regularity...and now they even find it 'amusing'!

Because the declaration that someone took advantage of someone else's trust is usually always followed by a knowing, conspiratorial that we all loathe.

It's truly about as low as you can get, good citizen...because it proves you are 'untrustworthy' also voids the convention that prevents us from killing one another on sight.

We, as a species, are at a loss for losing sight of one of the primary principles that makes civilization possible...because truth is we are inclined to kill one another on sight...because we KNOW people aren't 'trustworthy'.

But we do better together than on our own...a small trade-off considering we're getting fooked for our tendency to go along to get along!

Which is to belabor the obvious, SOME of us would be happier alone! Not a lot happier (because Mother Nature is a cruel and demanding mistress) but at least we wouldn't be 'exploited' (and shit on while they were at it...)

We're 'herd animals' but putting up with the herd (for the benefits the herd bestows upon us) is barely worth the aggravation (permanent damage to our 'mental health') that comes with it.

This is not the first time I have pointed to the fact that the conventions that prevent us from killing one another on sight are wearing 'perilously thin'.

Our ability to live together as herd animals is based upon mutual trust, it is the inability to trust that creates criminals. Because criminals are, at the base of it all, UNTRUSTWORTHY!

How sad is it politicians are regularly placed in the UNTRUSTWORTHY category? Sadder still is this is due to the manipulations of the exploiters, who have outlawed their being EXECUTED for their self-serving crimes!

In a world that doesn't make sense it's because the criminals take advantage of our need to trust one another. Isn't it about time we 'purged' our species of those who have proven themselves 'untrustworthy'?

In the end, it is the one trait worth perpetuating and nurturing.

Being trustworthy is every human's highest calling...don't confuse trustworthy with 'reliable', it's not the same thing but it is another essential trait!

Kindness and compassion are also essential but not when it comes to forgiving treachery! For that crime there can be NO MERCY.

If, er, 'treachery' isn't discouraged then you end up with what we have today, a 'merciless' society of predators.

How sad is it that most of you would agree this is a fair and honest description of where we're at today.

Who is 'untrustworthy'? YOU KNOW! None will escape because we live in a world where the 'unscrupulous' are protected and their underhanded dealings are protected [so long as their not found out] so the untrustworthy regularly 'drop their guard' because they don't 'see the need' to have others think well of them...and this will be their undoing!


They ain't gonna suddenly develop a 'guilty conscious' and off themselves [although they might if that imaginary deity you keep contributing to actually existed!]

Big mistake to delude yourself with another boldface lie, that all of this is 'God's Will' and that God 'has your back'. You may not survive this but rest assured, those that did you dirt in this life will pay dearly in the next...

Honestly, if the choice is offered, I'm turning down any opportunity to do ANYTHING like this again!

Hard to believe they need a place called 'hell', ain't it?

Seriously difficult to imagine 'worse than this' on just about any level...and that has NOTHING to do with deitys, this hell proudly displays 'made by the human race' label.

A race unable to police itself.

Actually it's even worse than that because it doesn't even realize its broken!

Now we arrive full circle with the question of what crime is heinous enough for a species to maroon us here wholesale?

Could it really be 'stupidity'?

Hard to say what's more frightening, a, er, branch of humanity exists out there that is both smart & sane (and refuses to make contact) or the prospects that this whole 'expedition' is an experiment gone horribly wrong? [Premise: they had to 'dumb down' their clones so we wouldn't 'escape'...]

Will whatever we were sent here to do battle with arrive before we destroy ourselves?

Happy holidays, good citizen! Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


PS: Keep fighting and remain 'suspicious', always make them prove their trustworthiness!