Greetings good citizen, we're a week away from election day and never have we been in such a terrible situation.
Many of you are wondering [not for nothing] How did we get here?
The religious among you have secretly been praying because the, 'logical explanation' for our 'rudderless' civilization is this must be what 'God's Wrath' looks like.
Um, how tragic is it that the truth is even more frightening? That what we're 'witnessing' is the end result of following the self-interested down the garden path to our doom?
In the back of your mind you KNOW what we are experiencing is PRECISELY what would happen if we let CRIMINALS run our civilization.
Look at our 'For Profit' legal system. Most of us have never had to 'seek justice' but we know someone who has so we all know how EXPENSIVE 'pursuing justice' is.
But that's part & parcel with a 'For Profit' legal system. If you can't PAY, right wrong or indifferent, you don't get your 'day'.
In fact good citizen, in case you hadn't noticed [and A LOT OF YOU haven't] much of what is 'screwed up' in our society is caused by the 'if it can't be done 'profitably', it can't be done' capitalist morality.
Now, I've been preaching the truth about the 'prime driver' of capitalism, the FACT that ALL 'money' is FUNNY!
But this falls on deaf ears BECAUSE you all know how difficult life is WITHOUT MONEY!
If we were to return to our 'agrarian roots' [become farmers that grew our own food...but suffered without Doctors or medicine because growing food and tending livestock are truly 'full time jobs'...especially with homemade tools!] Money would be useless.
But we aren't there anymore.
Ironically, we are only a few steps removed from that place and the item that made this possible [money] has already been used by the CRIMINALS among us to enslave the rest.
While those 'overseeing' that this doesn't happen sit there with their hands out, clucking their tongues at the SHAME of it all.
Worse, most of you have taken 'the path of least resistance' and what I've shared here is already taxing your mental capacity.
"If I just shut up and do what I'm told they pay me on [fill-in-the-blank] and I get to come back and do it again tomorrow."
It's all you know and for some of you it's more than you WANT TO KNOW!
It's like a mirage, don't look at it too closely or it disppears...and you don't want it to disappear because you've seen how your parents struggled when their 'money tree' dried up and blew away.
Well, if you're up to it, follow me 'off the reservation' [to the place where your mind makes sense of things and stuff is explained instead of you're being told 'because I said so'.]
Top of the list causing civilization to 'collapse' is 'over population'. The Church [pretty much ALL of them] preaches the doctrine of 'go forth and multiply' [largely because not too frightfully long ago, life was a lot deadlier than it is today. [Not that we're not returning there quicker than your feeble mind can imagine...but I digress.]
BETWEEN 'over population and automation' we have too many workers [we're not all rocket scientists] and too few 'jobs' meaning ways to 'contribute' to society.
How do we 'fix' this problem? Well, it's only a problem if you don't OWN the automated machines and the markets where people 'buy' what they need.
A [relative] handful of RICH people make all of the money due to this 'ownership' phenomenon. They explain their 'good fortune' as being 'the will of God' when the truth is much less 'benign'.
One need not scratch the surface too deeply to reveal that all of these people are 'connected' to the law-making process and the whole edifice is part of a 'quid pro quo' arrangement between the conspirators.
These people are still in control of the 'law' and they also know if they ever lose control they will die most horribly.
SO, if we were to bring these fiends to justice and wipe the slate clean [exile every one of them.] We would be able to provide jobs that pay 'a living wage' for ALL of us.
Why is that? if the processes are 'automated' why 'work' at all?
Because mankind is a 'social' creature, we need to 'belong' to society and our 'work' is how we contribute to the 'greater good'. Not EVERYTHING is automated and there is most definitely no lack of 'things that need doing'. [And they aren't going to do themselves!]
Um one of the 'pillars of civilization' is equality...and people DEEPLY RESENT not being treated 'fairly'.
[A large part of today's simmering cauldron is resentment against the 'idle rich' who pretend their very existence is reason enough to warrant respect.]
Worse, both candidates for President are card carrying members of the 'Idle Rich' making the choice between Bad and Just as Bad.
Basically no choice at all.
But those running the 'injustice system' know if they ever lose control they will perish quickly for their multiple misdeeds.
So, if 'some of us' have to work, all of us have to work...and there is a certain comfort drawn from that.
Better, NOBODY starts at the either of our presidential candidates. EVERYBODY Starts at the bottom and works their way up. [Justice and Equity are both 'key' in establishing 'a stable civilization'...factors 'the self-interested' could care less about.]
Allow me to digress a moment and explain how we can turn the existing 'job market' into one that provides employment for everyone.
If we reduce the work week from forty to twenty we'd all starve to death...but if we make housing and transportation 'gimmes' we'd reduce expenses enough so people could live on the reduced pay!
I don't usually bring this up BUT people like me think this sort of thing is 'obvious' while the rest of you are thunderstruck!
I DON'T need to 'own' a home, all I need is the use of one! Same thing with personal vehicles...don't need to 'own' one, we could ALL get by using the 'zipcar' model.
People are pigs but with certain legislation we could correct that problem as well.
Which is to point out that we could be living in 'utopia' if we managed our affairs better...and boredom could be the greatest obstacle we'd need to defeat.
Even some criminals admit to doing what they do out of 'boredom'.
It may never be 'a perfect world' but we could come a lot closer than where we are now.
A few 'tweaks' and things could be quickly turned around, globally.
A 'better world' isn't radically removed from what we have now, all we need to do is kick the criminals to the curb and we're on our way!
Considerably 'happier' than most posts but I'm at my best offering solutions rather than pointing to problems.
It's only 'difficult' if you make it that way!
If the solutions seem 'simplistic' it's because they are! Why do you think I chose the title A Simple Plan...because it IS SIMPLE!
The only people who aren't going to like it is the ones that get a one way trip to a desolate, arid plain to live out the rest of their days.
Don't weep good citizen, they had more than their share while they screwed you out of yours!
Thanks for letting me inside your head,
Many of you are wondering [not for nothing] How did we get here?
The religious among you have secretly been praying because the, 'logical explanation' for our 'rudderless' civilization is this must be what 'God's Wrath' looks like.
Um, how tragic is it that the truth is even more frightening? That what we're 'witnessing' is the end result of following the self-interested down the garden path to our doom?
In the back of your mind you KNOW what we are experiencing is PRECISELY what would happen if we let CRIMINALS run our civilization.
Look at our 'For Profit' legal system. Most of us have never had to 'seek justice' but we know someone who has so we all know how EXPENSIVE 'pursuing justice' is.
But that's part & parcel with a 'For Profit' legal system. If you can't PAY, right wrong or indifferent, you don't get your 'day'.
In fact good citizen, in case you hadn't noticed [and A LOT OF YOU haven't] much of what is 'screwed up' in our society is caused by the 'if it can't be done 'profitably', it can't be done' capitalist morality.
Now, I've been preaching the truth about the 'prime driver' of capitalism, the FACT that ALL 'money' is FUNNY!
But this falls on deaf ears BECAUSE you all know how difficult life is WITHOUT MONEY!
If we were to return to our 'agrarian roots' [become farmers that grew our own food...but suffered without Doctors or medicine because growing food and tending livestock are truly 'full time jobs'...especially with homemade tools!] Money would be useless.
But we aren't there anymore.
Ironically, we are only a few steps removed from that place and the item that made this possible [money] has already been used by the CRIMINALS among us to enslave the rest.
While those 'overseeing' that this doesn't happen sit there with their hands out, clucking their tongues at the SHAME of it all.
Worse, most of you have taken 'the path of least resistance' and what I've shared here is already taxing your mental capacity.
"If I just shut up and do what I'm told they pay me on [fill-in-the-blank] and I get to come back and do it again tomorrow."
It's all you know and for some of you it's more than you WANT TO KNOW!
It's like a mirage, don't look at it too closely or it disppears...and you don't want it to disappear because you've seen how your parents struggled when their 'money tree' dried up and blew away.
Well, if you're up to it, follow me 'off the reservation' [to the place where your mind makes sense of things and stuff is explained instead of you're being told 'because I said so'.]
Top of the list causing civilization to 'collapse' is 'over population'. The Church [pretty much ALL of them] preaches the doctrine of 'go forth and multiply' [largely because not too frightfully long ago, life was a lot deadlier than it is today. [Not that we're not returning there quicker than your feeble mind can imagine...but I digress.]
BETWEEN 'over population and automation' we have too many workers [we're not all rocket scientists] and too few 'jobs' meaning ways to 'contribute' to society.
How do we 'fix' this problem? Well, it's only a problem if you don't OWN the automated machines and the markets where people 'buy' what they need.
A [relative] handful of RICH people make all of the money due to this 'ownership' phenomenon. They explain their 'good fortune' as being 'the will of God' when the truth is much less 'benign'.
One need not scratch the surface too deeply to reveal that all of these people are 'connected' to the law-making process and the whole edifice is part of a 'quid pro quo' arrangement between the conspirators.
These people are still in control of the 'law' and they also know if they ever lose control they will die most horribly.
SO, if we were to bring these fiends to justice and wipe the slate clean [exile every one of them.] We would be able to provide jobs that pay 'a living wage' for ALL of us.
Why is that? if the processes are 'automated' why 'work' at all?
Because mankind is a 'social' creature, we need to 'belong' to society and our 'work' is how we contribute to the 'greater good'. Not EVERYTHING is automated and there is most definitely no lack of 'things that need doing'. [And they aren't going to do themselves!]
Um one of the 'pillars of civilization' is equality...and people DEEPLY RESENT not being treated 'fairly'.
[A large part of today's simmering cauldron is resentment against the 'idle rich' who pretend their very existence is reason enough to warrant respect.]
Worse, both candidates for President are card carrying members of the 'Idle Rich' making the choice between Bad and Just as Bad.
Basically no choice at all.
But those running the 'injustice system' know if they ever lose control they will perish quickly for their multiple misdeeds.
So, if 'some of us' have to work, all of us have to work...and there is a certain comfort drawn from that.
Better, NOBODY starts at the either of our presidential candidates. EVERYBODY Starts at the bottom and works their way up. [Justice and Equity are both 'key' in establishing 'a stable civilization'...factors 'the self-interested' could care less about.]
Allow me to digress a moment and explain how we can turn the existing 'job market' into one that provides employment for everyone.
If we reduce the work week from forty to twenty we'd all starve to death...but if we make housing and transportation 'gimmes' we'd reduce expenses enough so people could live on the reduced pay!
I don't usually bring this up BUT people like me think this sort of thing is 'obvious' while the rest of you are thunderstruck!
I DON'T need to 'own' a home, all I need is the use of one! Same thing with personal vehicles...don't need to 'own' one, we could ALL get by using the 'zipcar' model.
People are pigs but with certain legislation we could correct that problem as well.
Which is to point out that we could be living in 'utopia' if we managed our affairs better...and boredom could be the greatest obstacle we'd need to defeat.
Even some criminals admit to doing what they do out of 'boredom'.
It may never be 'a perfect world' but we could come a lot closer than where we are now.
A few 'tweaks' and things could be quickly turned around, globally.
A 'better world' isn't radically removed from what we have now, all we need to do is kick the criminals to the curb and we're on our way!
Considerably 'happier' than most posts but I'm at my best offering solutions rather than pointing to problems.
It's only 'difficult' if you make it that way!
If the solutions seem 'simplistic' it's because they are! Why do you think I chose the title A Simple Plan...because it IS SIMPLE!
The only people who aren't going to like it is the ones that get a one way trip to a desolate, arid plain to live out the rest of their days.
Don't weep good citizen, they had more than their share while they screwed you out of yours!
Thanks for letting me inside your head,