Thursday, April 21, 2016

Premature Burial

Greetings good citizen: as we approach yet another 'stolen election' some pundits are already writing obituaries for the 'Sanders Revolution'.

Sort of smacks of 'All of your bases (are) belong to us, Resistance is futile.'

Occupy went nowhere, Obama's 'yes we can' movement was dead on arrival at the White House. Is this what's causing pollsters to write funeral dirges for Sanders SEVEN MONTHS before the election...although the respective 'conventions' will happen in a month or two, cementing our badly broken 'party system's' nominees into their classic 'one from column A and one from column B arrangement.

As this juggernaut rolls along it becomes apparent it is just as it's always been, totally beyond our control. Others make decisions for us and we are forced to live with them because the tools don't exist to change things.

Those who benefit from this...'farce' would turn my words around and agree, "You're right, it IS the 'same as it ever was' and things for your grandparents turned out all right, didn't they?"

Naturally, the glib would be hard pressed to compare today with the more 'self-reliant' times of our grandparents. {With all things being relative, you have to take that as a reference coming from a person whose parents were born in the 1920's so my grandparents were post Civil War children...and a lot has changed since then.} Talk to a Gen X'er and you'd find their grandparents were the 'Flower Children' of the Sixties. Hardly a comparison.

[sound of gears grinding ferociously as I mentally debate which direction to pursue]

Okay more of 'same as it ever was...'

The pomp and pagentry [never mind the physical altercations and bad blood] generated by the 'for show' political process is, as most of us recognize by the time were 40, an exercise in 'hand-waving' is 'the illusion of participation' intended to make the average citizen believe they are a part of a process that has taken great pains to eliminate YOU from the decision making process.

What should make you, er, 'uncomfortable', good citizen, is how over the past forty years the nation has been turning more and more Autocratic...a common problem with governments suffering from 'old age'. [Proud of it or not, the US is THE oldest existing government on the planet. You ever notice NOBODY brags about this? I think you know why too.]

We are more than a little overdue for a change...but for reasons unspoken, change isn't on the table.

I belabor the obvious when I point to 'the media circus' the process has become and it is also no surprise that the corporate owned media rings the cash register mightily during election time; between the attack ads and stump speeches [which are virtually free to the oligarch's meat puppet of choice...because regardless of which candiate 'wins', they both take their marching orders from the same group of...morons, morons with money but morons none the less.]

As you also well know, the political process anywhere in the so-called 'free world' exists as negative testimony to P.T. Barnum's famous quote about fooling all of the people all of the time...although the comparison isn't fair because even if you aren't 'fooled' you are still powerless to do anything about it.

Shifting mental gears, smoothly this time, we confront the seemingly insoluable problem how to crack the 'leadership problem'.

The main problem is usually those who feel compelled to 'lead' aren't qualified for the job [for a wide variety of reasons, most of them practical.]

So we need candidates who not only 'desire' to do the job but that also have a demonstrated ability to craft workable solutions from available inputs...while keeping their eye on the 'larger picture'.

[One of capitalism's most common laments is its leadership is incapable of seeing beyond 90 days...and this is too true. Worse, these fools can't see beyond the dollar sign, where all 'true profits' exist.]

Now, if we put the job up for grabs, party affiliation aside because our new leader would be running as a 'problem solver' and not a 'rule maker' (that power rests with the People.) We would have to crafts tests that would challenge the candidate's problem solving ability as well as reveal their 'character'.

Many of today's Republican candidates would solve the 'terrorism problem' by turning the Middle East to glass, red meat for their 'base' (a group destined to get themselves exiled in the first six months after the fall but that's just speculation.) but it is hardly a 'practical' solution.

Naturally, solving the terrorism problem both here and overseas is connected to eliminating the inequity and injustice the now ancient system fosters as it's birthright.

Cut that out and you'd put a stop to school/workplace shootings along with the faux 'religious persecution' masquerading as jihad for ignorant Christians.

Eliminate the election BS and simply appoint the most qualified candidate to the job for a fixed period of time...because we all know what happens when somebody gets 'too comfortable' with the levers of power.

We wind up where we are now.

Let me wrap up by pointing to the many faces 'discontent' has worn over the ages...which is to belabor the obvious, not everybody was 'happy' with how the revolution turned out.

There has been a deep well of discontent for as long as anyone can remember, starting with the 'fast one' the slavers pulled during the Revolution.

Even more comical is the line 'All men are created equal' (what about women, nevermind people of color.)

Alas, rational argument isn't going to get you off your butt...starvation might but that's going to be a whole 'nuther can of worms, isn't it?

As the pundits mark paid to the Sanders candidacy I think we should begin thinking outside the box if we are serious about correcting the abomination that passes for our institution founded to protect us all but fails miserably since it was co-opted by those it was founded to protect us from.

And on that note:

Thanks you for letting me inside your head,


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