Sunday, March 21, 2021


 Greetings good citizen, What is 'the meaning of life?' Ask a thousand different people and receive a few dozen different answers. Who answers this question for us? Unfortunately, EVERYBODY has an opinion and some of us are adamant that ours is the 'right' one! Let's start with the most common answer, shall we?

 Most of us don't know nor do we care. This is sort of a blanket phenomenon we use to get through this crazy, mixed-up existence most of us are acutely aware could terminate before our next eyeblink and we'd be none the wiser. We wouldn't be any closer to knowing why we were here nevermind why we were snatched away...

Somehow, this does NOTHING to put the meaning of life into perspective. A wise old friend was fond of repeating "Life is neither good nor bad, life just is." While this is a 'statement of fact', it is neither an explanation nor a philosophy.

Still, something in human nature strives to attach 'meaning' to something that simply 'is' So we all wander aimlessly through this life 'handling' whatever opportunity presents itself to us, while rationalizing that our actions are rooted in 'good' (regardless of how twisted our logic/motives.)

As the planet becomes more crowded nobody [in the punditsphere] is sparing any attention for the unbridled urge to scratch the itch, a subject that should be front and center on every sentient creatures' mind.

We have become 'the fruit flies in the jar'.

Will the 'sentient fruitflies' succeed in escaping their prison before they deplete their finite resources?

Right now, the short answer is NO. Besides the hair-brained idea of migrating to the desert known as Mars, nobody is doing anything to reverse the strip-mining/plunder of our current home or checking our out-of-control population.

This brings us full circle to the interests of the few outweighing the survival of the many [and why we MUST STOP following the meat puppets elected by the self-serving!]

{THINK YOU elect anybody for anything? WHO funds both parties? (or are you hopelessly stupid?)}

Democracy is anything but, just as justice and equality are non-existent.

The LAW belongs to us ALL and is not the private domain of the self-serving/interested. We will NOT survive as a species so long as we ignore our mutual 'conditions of survival' in exchange for modest, inconsequential gains in the here and now. [These pithy economic buy offs should disturb you much more than they do.]

What busts my stones is how most of you are incapable of grasping the significance of my arguments, and still you consider yourself 'sentient' because that's what separates us from the animals.

How f'n dumb are you...rhetorical question because you know you are powerless but still you hold out 'hope' that those raping this planet will 'somehow ' manage to pull off a 'save' despite themselves'.

Your (collective) REFUSAL to think condemns our species to history's dumpster as yet another failed experiment.

In this, I reprise the role of Chicken Little/Cassandra.

So I repeat, life is neither 'good' nor 'bad', life simply 'is'.

Follow me if you want (your children) to live...

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


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