Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Mass transit and the Economic desert

Greetings good citizen, while past futurists speculated metropolises crowded with people movers (Mass Transit) our reality remains personal transportation and far-flung residential communities, neither of which are energy/time efficient.

Worse, we locate 'gathering places' in urban areas that we are then required to commute to! No irony should be lost that this nonsense is fed by the conservative mythology of the 'rugged individual', better know as 'the psychopath/self-absorbed A-hole.', an unfortunate [for the rest of us] condition usually inherited from socially clueless parents despite some of them insisting they're 'self-made.'

Yes good citizen, this nonsensical caste is the same pool we are forced to draw our leaders from...which accounts for much of the fantastical thinking and lack of logic in our social engineering. {Pappy didn't raise no idiots, they raised themselves!)

If little makes sense in the world, there's your smoking gun! Why is it we can't hop a train for the opposite coast (or europe for that matter?) Because someone owns the 'airway' to either or both locations and would probably pay to have a disaster strike the alternative route. (Contrary to myth, capitalism HATES 'competition', especially the healthy kind!)

Earthquakes [and fracking] aside, air transportation is 'safer' than traveling underground for long distances but it's not as 'efficient' as overland [which is why the airline business model keeps choking and folding only to be replaced by the exact same model!]

Telling by its absence is the total lack of progress toward replacing our endangered fossil fuel powered energy infrasructure with renewable sources.

One could speculate those who profit from the current model are responsible for the lag/neglect but until the ancient one blows up the public that is being cheated out of its future isn't yet aware they have a problem that needs fixing.

Yes good citizen, the LCD (lowest common denominator) here is energy. Its efficient use dictates whether or not the place YOU LIVE flourishes or becomes roadkill on the economic dragway we call commerce...logically.

But we have already ruled logic as being inconsequential when such things are being judged. More than a few metropolises/counties/hamlets/hovels exist as demonstrations of sheer willpower.

In this respect the Native populations of the planet were decidedly more advanced than our European forebearers. They chose to live in harmony with the land rather than 'conquering' it. [You don't suppose that's what got us thrown out of Heaven, do ya?]

As you might have noticed, it is extremely difficult to paint a picture of a 'logic driven' metropolis in a place completely devoid of this quality.

A.) may make sense but it can't be integrated with B.) because they lacked your 'vision'... so C.) will be similarly screwed.

Um, as you may have also noticed, this line of (quasi) logic has exhausted itself.

That said, Thanks for letting me inside your head!


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